Chapitre - Sept (7)

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"Honey i wanna go back home", Maia speaks while both came back from Louver musium, Paris.

"Why?Aren't you enjoying the holidays with me?", Hanbin asked.

He knows she is missing her sons and till they have known that they got boyfriends she wanted to meet them.

"It's not like that honey, i'm missing them. This is the first time were apart from them", Maia speaks sadly and looking at Hanbin.

"I know and also our anniversary was yesterday and I also started missing them now", hanbin speaks while kissing oh her head.

"Thank you honey for understanding", Maia speaks and leans on Hanbin.

"No thank you my love. You left Korea for me. Leaving your family and work and ........ ", But Maia didn't let him speak.

"Honey it was more than 30 years. Now forget about it. We have our son's and also son-in-laws too", Maia speaks excitedly.

"I wanted to meet them too", Hanbin replies and smile at her.

"Let's go back after joon came back from Rome", she speaks to his husband.

"Of course love. Anything for you", Hanbin speaks.


Two more days passed like that.

Taekook are happy with each other.

Both Love each other unconditionally.

Jungkook is whipped for his babie.

And you all thoughts taehyung not.

He is more whipped for his honey.

Taehyung always made him jelause, but to be honest taehyung loves jungkook more than him.

Past two days were excited for taehyung.

Jungkook take him to Fira, the capital of Santorini.

Taehyung was so happy to see his most favourite place.

They stayed there for two day's at the capital.

There were many things to see.

Jungkook took him to Museum of Prehistoric, Three bells, Cathedral of Saint John, Skaros rock, Megaro gizi, Karavolades stairs, traditional village aka the capital of Santorini Fira and lastly at the cable car riding.

Taehyung was really happy.

He literally cried after seeing the fira city.

Taehyung was mesmerised by the beauty of the particular place.

The small pretty buildings are looking so beautiful from the top of the city.

Taehyung and jungkook are lost in the beauty of the city and each other.

For taehyung's the city is new but for jungkook, he know this place for years.

He know the every alley and building and every person of Fira.

But with his taehyung everything is new for him too.

He feels like he didn't know the city at all.

The people he met there are unknown who wish for good luck to him and taehyung.

The city was indeed so beautiful and breathtaking but it seems like it's more beautiful for jungkook.

Few buildings roofs are paints in blue and every buildings was doom shaped.

Jungkook and taehyung hold hands and kissed between the tour.

Jungkook was happy too because he is holding his love of life.

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