2. Crush

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Asher had texted both Nick and Charlie during the weekend to make sure they were okay. They both told him that everything was fine now and Charlie even explained the situation (which only made Asher feel more worried than before). Charlie had to spent almost an hour reassuring his friend that Nick had been there just on time and nothing really happened.

charlie_spr1: Nick has been a really good supportive straight friend.

ash_goingtohall: He's straight?!

charlie_spr1: Yeah!

charlie_spr1: I literally just confirmed it. But it was obvious, wasn't it?

ash_goingtohall: I guess so.

charlie_spr1 typing...

charlie_spr1 typing...

charlie_spr1: I don't wanna sound rude.

charlie_spr1: And it's okey if you don't wanna answer

charlie_spr1: But are you uh, you know.

ash_goingtohall: Charlie, I'm as straight as cooked noodles.

ash_goingtohall: Hahaha

charlie_spr1: Hahaha. I'm sorry, just curious.

ash_goingtohall: It's okay.

ash_goingtohall: Hey, I gotta go, I'll see you at school.

charlie_spr1: Okay. Bye! <3

What was he thinking?!!! He had just outed himself when he had promised not to do it again. At least Charlie was also gay and he seemed like a nice person, but there was also the probability that he'd tell someone that wasn't as acceptable as him.

He really needed to start thinking before doing. For fuck's sake!

"This is Nellie". Nick and Charlie were looking at some photos at Nick's cellphone while Asher was trying to finish his Literature homework. Every time they saw a new photo, Nick would turn the phone so that he could saw them too which meant that he wasn't really making a good progress.

"Oh, my God, she's so cute" Charlie cooed. "I wish I had a dog. My parents don't like animals."

"Mine neither" Asher said and groaned when he realized he didn't know the answer to the next question. He would always skip the descriptions in the books and return to them, if necessary, but he didn't have the time right now.

"The answer is b" provided Nick helpfully who had already read the book. "And you should both come at my house and meet her. Are you free on Saturday?"

"Yeah, I think so" answered Charlie. Asher tried to act as if he hadn't heard the question because he was too caught up in his homework. It didn't work.

"Asher?" tried Nick again, Asher looked up and saw that both boys had a hopeful look in their eyes.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm free at Saturday". He cursed mentally. Thinking before acting, rings a bell? Damn their cute puppy eyes.

"Hi" greeted Nick when he opened the door.

"Hi" answered Charlie.

"Uh... This is Nellie" he presented the cute little dog. Charlie kneeled down and started cooing at the pet. Nick couldn't help but smile. When Charlie got up again, he realized there was something different in the boy.

"You got a haircut."

"Is it..." Charlie chuckled nervously "Is it bad?"

"No, no" Nick quickly responded while playing with Charlie's hair. "You look... it looks great". They stared at each other for a few seconds, but they were interrupted by Nellie. "Okay, you better come in before Nellie thinks we're going for a walk."

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