4. Secret

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Asher didn't go to the therapist, neither to visit his father; he stayed at his house sulking his lost crush(es) watching Netflix and listening to Conan Gray. Memories going in and out of his head, it would happen like this sometimes, he would be feeling okay and just a little something would throw him out of stability.

On Monday, he was feeling kind of dizzy and dissociated. He entered his form room earlier than usual with his head up feeling uncomfortable; he took his seat and started doodling Mickey Mouses in his notebook.

Nick got there second, he said hi to him and took his place. Asher said a quiet hi and continue messing around, Nick seemed to have noticed something was off but he didn't say anything. Charlie came in a few minutes later and stood at Asher's side.

"Hi. Do you mind if I take your seat for today?" asked the brunette. Asher looked up and saw the love eyes they were both making at each other, he didn't answer just picked up his things and moved his place.

Charlie sat down and greeted Nick breathlessly, he was returned with the same greeting. Then Charlie got his things out, ready to pass Asher whatever homework he hadn't done.

"Which homework do you need, Asher?" asked the boy.

"None" whispered Asher without looking up.

"You did everything?" frowned Nick with disbelieve. Asher usually didn't do his homework even though he was pretty smart.

"Yes" Asher lied. The conversation died then. At first, they were all quiet but after a few minutes, Charlie and Nick started talking. The more they talked, the worrier they got for Asher's silence.

Asher spent recess at the music classroom, sitting in front of the piano frowning at it while eating a sandwich. His mind was blank and his heart had swollen on his chest, he just wanted to go back to his house.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Nick shared breakfast flirting and talking about different things, between them, Asher's recent mood.

4. Secret

"I bet Charlie's eating lunch with Nick again, He's been eating lunch with him a lot" complained Tao during recess.

"Well, they're in the honeymoon phase."

"It's not even like they're dating, right Asher?" Tao looked for support.

"I don't know" answered the boy while picking with his food. He wasn't eating a lot quite recently and he wasn't in the mood to talk about Charlie and Nick's relationship, especially since the other boys hadn't talk to Asher about it neither. "Nor do I care."

Silence followed that statement, until Tao saw Nick and his friends coming and started again.

"I mean, look at them. It's a bad idea to even walk near them, let alone actually befriend one of them. Charlie is putting himself in danger just because he has a little unrequited crush."

Asher perked up instantly at the fake warning and got himself out of the way; the ball kicked Tao in the eye. Asher immediately moved to his friend who had a hand over his eye.

"Are you alright?" he asked. Laughs were heard all over the place, Tao got up to pick up the ball. "What the heck is your problem?" yelled Asher at the team.

"Excuse me, what?" Harry walked forward and put himself in front of the younger boy menacing. Tao got by Asher's side quickly, he didn't like confrontation but he wasn't going to leave his new friend alone.

"Is your life so boring that you seem really interested in our lives? Do mommy and daddy not care for you enough?" Asher knew that he shouldn't have said that for several reasons but it went out of his mouth before he could stop them.

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