3. Kiss

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"Hi" Asher said while taking his seat between Charlie and Nick.

"Hi" they both replied. Nick opened his mouth several time confusing Charlie and Asher, finally he spoke.

"Do you both wanna go to Harry's party? With me". Asher and Charlie looked at each other unsure of what to answer.

"I don't know. It doesn't really sound like my sort of thing". Charlie laughed awkwardly.

"Please come. I want you to be there."

"Okay" Charlie breathed. Nick smiled pleased and then looked at Asher with expectation.

"I don't know. I don't do parties that well."

"It's gonna be fun, I promise. Charlie and I would be there with you all the time." Charlie nodded his head with force.

"It won't be the same if you're not there, Asher" Charlie pleaded with his eyes.

"Fine" Asher groaned. "But if you leave me alone, you're dead."

Nick nodded and smiled; Charlie started to ramble about how it was going to be awesome and that he needed to find something to wear. Asher giggled and started doing his homework.

3. Kiss

Asher's leg was bouncing anxiously and his hand was wrapped tightly around his cellphone. His mother sighed and made a turn to get in the house porch.

"I'm not sure about this, Asher" his mom informed.

"That'll make two of us."

"Nobody is forcing you, right?" she asked quickly. "Because if they are, just give me their names and I'll do what's necessary."

"No, mom. I'm just really nervous. I haven't been in a party in a really long time."

"I know." His mother hesitated for a second but ended asking anyway. "You know the rules, right? If anybody tries anything, you would call me immediately. No drinking, no weed, no smoking, no... Just don't get excited with anyone." Asher stiffed.

"You say that as if it had been my fault" he murmured low.

"Of, course not, honey. I'm sorry. I'm just worried." The woman breathed heavily. "You would call me if anything makes you uncomfortable? Even those new friends of yours."

"Yeah, I will." Asher got out of the car not even saying goodbye. He closed the door trying to not slam it and walked to the entrance, there were a few people in there waiting in a line. Asher turned around, his mother was still there; he felt his heart sinking and guilt washing his body, so he smiled and waved at her, his mother returned the gesture and finally drove away.

Asher entered the hotel just to be meet by music way too loud. Teenagers, maybe even some adults, were going up and down everywhere, dancing, screaming and laughing. Asher smiled to a couple of them that had smiled at him too and continued looking for Nick and Charlie; he felt so out of place. Asher entered a hallway and was about to turn around when he heard a familiar voice laughing.

He walked a little more and saw Charlie and Nick sitting in a couch completely caught up with each other. He suddenly felt more out of place than before, but he put a smile on his face and walked there.

"Excuse me, have you seen a Golden-Retriever and a Little Nerd? I think I lost them somewhere" Asher teased with a smirk. Charlie immediately lightened up and Nick followed the game.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Don't think we have seen them. But you could stay with us until you find them."

"Such a gentleman. Thank you, my good Sir." Asher laughed and sat down between Charlie and Nick, being annoying and moving a lot so that they would have to bugled up more than necessary. Charlie snuggled up to him and started talking about a story of Nick and his mom playing Mario-Kart.

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