9. Drowning

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Asher had been caught making out with another boy. They had been in one of the empty rooms in their school, a teacher had come in looking for some papers and had caught them right there. They were sent to the principal's office, the school wasn't against relationships between same gender but they were against pda, which made sense to be honest, but that meant that they had been sent home for a day and the principal had talked with their parents.

Asher had panicked, his parents didn't know that he was gay, he hadn't told them because his dad was always making fun of gays calling them bad things. His mother didn't stop him from joking and Asher had assumed that she thought the same. But it turned out not only that the principal had talked with them, but she had talked first with the other boy parents, who were homophobic.

The boy, James, had told his parents that Asher had forced him to kiss, that he didn't like it and that it was the first time, but Asher had been flirting with him and telling him stuff that made him feel uncomfortable. That was all bs, James had been the one to approach Asher, he had kissed first, he had asked him to be his boyfriend, but asked Asher not to tell anyone because he wasn't out yet.

Asher had accepted since he wasn't out either, they would meet in the school classrooms that weren't used. Asher had been on cloud nine, they would talk and kiss and talk, but looking back then he realized that they mostly talked about school and that Asher would be the only to speak about personal stuff.

When he got home that day, his mom and dad had been really serious but they didn't say anything. It wasn't until Asher had tried to go to his room when his father called him from the living room.

"Asher, come here right now." His voice could had been heard from the neighbors' houses.

The talk that followed wasn't pretty. His father had yelled at him words as queer, faggot and fairy. He said that Asher had tried to take advantage of a good and decent boy and he was beyond disgusted, his father made a fit while his mother just watched.

She would nod with some of the things he said and looked at Asher with nothing more but disappointment, there was no more love in those eyes that used to look at Ash like he held the sun. Asher had only stared at his feet the whole time, feeling exposed and guilty, deep inside he knew that he hadn't done anything wrong but he couldn't help but feeling like a failure.

That night he went to sleep without dinner and a heavy heart.

The next days were no better, his mother didn't talk to him and she wouldn't help him with anything. Asher couldn't cook at all, he was a disaster and his mom used to make him everything, but after that he had had to make it work with cereal, sandwiches and pre-made soup. His dad on the other hand wouldn't stop yelling at him for everything.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with that thing?" his father had asked when he heard Asher playing the piano. He always used to praise him for how fast he was learning to play it, but now he acted like the piano was the cause of all this. "I never should have allowed you to join those classes, the people in there always gave me a bad feeling with their delicate hands and the way they dressed. You should be looking for a girlfriend, not spending you time being more feminine."

Everyone in school had heard of what he had done to James, he had lost all his friends, but he supposed that if they didn't believe him then he weren't real friends, and they all called him things. Not homophobic things, things as slut, rapist, etc. And Asher grow bitter and bitter towards James, the other boy always acted as if he was afraid and disgusted by Asher; whenever they jumped into each other in the hallways, James would step back and give him a lot of space. The worst was that most of the people around during those moments would quickly put themselves between Asher and James and would ask James if he was okay, if he needed anything. This led to his grades to start slipping, he couldn't concentrate in classes and he was bullied in the hallways.

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