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a whooollleee bunch of fluff :)

the set for marvel was always chaos. with all the props being moved around constantly, the millions of people everywhere all at one time and the cast all being dumb and annoying didn't help within the mix.

you and scarlett were like two peas in a pod. you would be by eachothers side 12 hours a day and wouldn't do anything without the other, not even your scenes. the other person had to be behind the camera if you didn't have a scene together. it's just the rules.

that was until you two had a huge argument over relatively nothing. you had to go to the bathroom while scarlett was filming a scene and once she'd finished she couldn't find you. when you came back, you found Scarlett in the arms of brie hysterically crying. you rushed over to the two, giving brie a break, and wrapped Scarlett in your arms.

"what's wrong love" you asked over her sobs. she pushed you away and yelled about the fact she thought something had happened to you while she was doing the scene, as she couldn't find you afterwards.

one thing led to another and you two haven't talked in nearly a week, which was hard given the fact you share a trailer and all. you were both extremely stubborn and were set on the fact you weren't in the wrong so you had to reason to apologise.

that was until today, downey told you to go to room 207 and get a new hammer because
hemsworth had hit tessa so hard with his hammer that the handle snapped. you were reluctant at first but this happened multiple times a day so it wasn't anything new.

you walked into the room and Scarlett was sitting on a chair on her phone, when you made a turn for the door, it had been shut and locked. you heard a voice from outside the door, knowing it was hemsworth because of the accent.

"you two aren't aloud out of this room until you make up and make out. just please don't let us open the door to you having sex that's happened one too many times" chris said, the last sentence in more of a whisper. you scoffed and looked over at scarlett who was looking at you, but looked back down when you looked back at her, a crimson blush covering her cheeks.

after a while of sitting in the room with Scarlett, you got bored of sitting on the floor and went to sit on Scarlett's lap, in an attempt to ease the tension.

"dude that hurt" Scarlett shouted when you threw yourself in her lap, moving around a bit to get comfy.

"you're annoying" scarlett muttered, looking back down at her phone which was now rested in your lap.

"I hate fighting with you" you whispered, putting your head in the crook of Scarlett's neck.

"I do too. you shouldn't have left me" scarlett said, making you scoff. "I needed a piss, did you want my bladder to explode all over everyone while your trying to do a scene" you asked, making Scarlett mumble a response that you didn't hear.

"should have atleast told me" scarlett murmured resting her head on yours. "I'll tell you next time. just stop being mad. I've been sleeping on the sofa and it's really uncomfortable. I need my scarly cuddles" you wiggled around on her lap, making her giggle and put her phone down. she looked up in your eyes as you looked into her emerald ones.

"I love you" you both said at the same time, making your lips crack into a smile. you put her lips on yours for the first time in what felt like years, but wasn't even more than a week. your lips moved in sync together. you missed this feeling.

you quickly straddled Scarlett, as she put her hands on your hips to steady you. you put your hands on her cheeks pulling her closer, only separating to breath.

you pecked her lips again before cuddling into her, wrapping your arms around her neck and putting your head in the crook of her neck once again.

"you guys made up then" You heard Downey from behind you. "no we didn't I just wanted a hug" you muttered into Scarlett's neck, making her giggle because it tickled. Downey said something about needing Scarlett for something. you didn't really hear, you were just happy you were back in Scarlett's arms.

"sweetheart you have to get up" you heard scarlett, and you shook your head no. Scarlett knew you wouldn't budge, so just decided to take you with her. she picked you up like a koala on a tree, scarlett being the tree. she held under your thighs to keep you steady. those workouts for this movie really did pay off.

you heard a series of "they've made up then" as you moved to wherever scarlett was taking you both. it's not the worst the team had seen you. you showed up for work in a sports bra and shorts because it was too hot. you'd get into costume at the set anyway.

"I'm glad we get to sleep together tonight again" Scarlett said as she set you down in a chair behind the camera, so she could do her scene. "in what context?" you asked sarcastically. Scarlett smirked, putting her hand on the inside of your thighs.

"the sexual one"

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