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natasha things 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

you had been put through the red room 3 times. the third time being now. you were their swan. dreykovs swan.

you were never allowed on missions, you would stay put. stay at the red room. you were numb. you couldn't remember what grass felt like, what fresh air smelt like, what freedom felt like.

yelena has gotten out, she is free. you're happy for her. she was like your little sister, you'd look out for her when no one else would. when natasha left you were all she had, and she was all you had.

you and natasha had formed a.. close relationship in your time at the red room. you were inseparable. the devil and her angel they would call you.

that was until natasha left. she promised to come back. she left you there on your own.

I promise to come back. I promise you there's nothing that will stop me getting to you. lies.

they were all lies.

those words flew around your mind constantly, never at ease. you could hear the rasp in her voice to this day. I promise she says I'll come back she says. it's all bullshit. you are trapped.

one day, you were teaching some of the younger widows, when the alarm bellowed. dreykov had been attacked. you and the widows rushed down to the office to find a group of older widows already going at the women.

the women was natasha. her red hair braided as she fought, blood running down her face. she paused when she saw you, guilt and worry flooding her eyes. you stepped forward to take a better look at her, the women you once loved. who are you kidding. love is for children.

"y- y/n" natasha tried to speak, before she was cut off by you. "you promised." you said, seeing natasha try to step toward you. you raised your hand, stopping her, before raising both of your hands, letting the widows continue to attack her.

you felt the walls closing in. your breathing got shallow as you fell against the door. a huge bang was heard and red gas was everywhere.

you looked around confused, before you looked at the one person you were willing to see all this time. yelena. your Lena.

yelena came over to cradle you as you cried. in pain, in worry, in sadness, in anger.

"lena" you whispered weakly, gripping onto yelena, before she grabbed your hand, helping you up. you stood on two feet, watching natasha walk toward the both of you. you looked back at yelena for approval, while she nodded.

you look at the redhead, looking her up and down, still clinging to yelena. Natasha came to stand next to you. explaining what to do to the widows, while yelena gets you out.

god you couldn't be more angry at natasha.

she left. she didn't come back because she found a new, better family. but she promised.

once you got to the jet, you got the widows in, while yelena took you to a separate jet. she could see your fragile state, and figured you needed a comforting hand.

she took you to melinas jet, which you were thankful for. Melinda had always been the mother you never had, ever since she came back from Ohio. she felt as if a piece of her was missing after unwillingly giving up her girls.

"she promised" you cried, clinging to Melinda, while alexi flew the jet.

"I know honey. well let nat explain once we're all out. she's been worried sick about you. the whole time. she has been looking for you for years" melina comforted, making you confused. it can't be that hard for black widow to track the red room. she just didn't want to find you.

the jet shook violently, crashing to the floor with a humph. you were blacked out, a piece of the plane jammed into your side.

when you woke up, you were in a hospital bed. a shooting pain coming from your stomach. you whined in pain, looking all over the room. uneaten food and coffee cups everywhere.

just as you were analysing the room a figure walked in. a red head figure. she had puffy red eyes from crying and her face was blotchy. her eyes were accompanied by dark rings underneath.

she turned to you, seeing you sitting upright in bed, she froze. looking at you with worry, fear, guilt.

you wanted more than anything to be mad at her, but seeing the state she was in, you opened your arms, letting her crawl into the bed with you.

"I was t-trying to find you for so long.. for so so long" natasha cried into you, as you shushed her comfortingly. you couldn't be mad at her in this moment. the familiar smell of cheap shampoo bought you back as natasha laid in your arms.

"it took fi-five years to even find alexi, and I tried so hard to find you and yelena, but when I got out he patched up the loose ends and took you away" natasha cried, and all you could do in this moment is hold her.

once nat had calmed down, she sat, looking at you.

"you're still so pretty you know angel" natasha smiled innocently, and you smiled back. you bought the hand you were holding to your mouth, kissing her knuckles lightly.

"you're even more gorgeous all grown up" you said, making nat laugh. she laid back down after a while, cuddling into your unwounded side.

"you're mine. forever."

hey guys. I haven't been on here since august 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 the app was taking up too much storage on my phone so I deleted it but I'm back because I deleted tiktok and now I have storage!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for being gone so long, I have more chapters ready for you all 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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