Chapter 3:Again

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Btw I have no clue what race this is but the next race will be silverstone. However it definitely isn't canada. <3
I apologise for how short it is I promise it will be a long chapter soon. <3
Gonna have some drama next chapter😏
Please vote <3
The pair stared at each other as she went closer. Carlos' lips parted slightly at the sight of her gorgeous face, clearly not expecting to see her again. She looked beautiful and the way she did her makeup complimented her face so well he just wanted to watch it melt of as he fucked her. He had a hard time getting his mind out of the thought but his teammate and friend helped him out.

"Mel!" Charles and Pierre exclaimed as they ran towards her embracing her into a hug.

"I've missed you two so much." Her soft voice muttered.

"Camella Marino showing someone other than herself affection? Are you ok Mel?" Pierre joked as Charles laughed whilst looking deep into his eyes. The girl just glared and shoved them.

"Hi it's so nice to meet you, I'm Carmella." Yet again he words didn't have a single crack in as if her throat wasn't hurting from the night before.

"I'm Max and this is my teammate Checo." He introduced himself and his teammate as they kissed eachothers cheek.

"Hello gorgeous girl I'm Daniel and i'm single." He winked and jealousy erupted in my body as Carmella giggled.

"Carmella, it's nice to meet you Daniel."

"Likewise. Carlos? Introduce yourself to the lovely lady." Daniel smirked.

"Uh- yeah sorry hey i'm Carlos nice to meet you." He shyly waved.

"He's never usually that shy." Daniel mumbled as Carmella spoke.

"I'm Carmella nice to meet you too." She replied holding the eye contact longer then she did with anyone else because his eyes have been one of the things on her mind.

"Let's get this party started, bitches!" Max exclaimed.

Everyone laughed as they all walked into the club and into the VIP section. Out of the corner of her eye Carmella noticed someone.

"Charlie, Pierre isn't that..?" Carmellas' voice trailed off as Charles and Pierre looking in the same direction.

"Shit do you need to sort it out?" Pierre asked. Carmella was already off in the direction they were looking a phone in their hand as they heard her speak, "I have eyes on Jefferson."

"What's that about then? Crazy ex or something?" Daniel questioned.

"Oh that was just business nothing important I think she said she wasn't busy so let's find a table she'll find her way."Charles answered truthfully.

"What does she do?" Carlos asked suddenly wanting to know more about her.

"She's like a mafia boss. One of the biggest in Italy." Pierre responded as Charles shifted in his seat.

"We're not meant to tell anyone so act as if you don't know and just order drinks." Stated Charles.

They ordered their drinks as everyone saw Carmella drag someone outside.

"What's that about?" Checo said.

"Oh she's going to beat the shit out of him he probably owes her or a friend something." Pierre calmly stated.

"Qué? Would she mind if I watch." Carlos stated.

"No probably not anyway Daniel what was that flirting going on when you met Carmella. She won't like you if you do that. Show her that she can like you and she will.

Keeping that in mind Carlos went outside to find Carmella on top of a bruised man punching his face again and again.

"Leave," punch, "my", another punch, "friend" again, "alone".

Worried that someone was watching Carlos went towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Calm down, hermosa, come have a better time with me." Carlos muttered.

"Carlos.. we can't.. you deserve.." Carmella began before Carlos smashed his lips against her, his grip stronger on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss.Parting for air they stared at each other.

"Ah fuck it. Doing it again would hurt anybody." Carmella said before grabbing Carlos' hand and dragging him through the club like a lost puppy and into the back. The same room again.

"I may not have the time to make you cum as much but you will still have a good time, yo prometo amor."

They kiss yet again and Carmella jumps straddling his waist. His hands move to her hips, squeezing the skin making her moan softly into his mouth.

Kissing her shoulders he turned her around and bent her over a sofa. Bringing her dress up slightly and her pants down. Carmella hisses as the cold hair pushed against her ass. She hisses once again as Carlos slaps it. The noise of a zip being pulled down swam around the room as Carlos unzipped his trouser and brought  down his boxers and entered roughly.

"Ah fuck Carlos. Right there!" She moaned.

"Still so tight. You're so beautiful bebé." Carlos groaned.

He kept going in and out, slamming into her each time, causing them both to moan at the rough movement.

"I'm close!" Carmella exclaimed.

"Me too mi amor. Shit i'm coming!" Soon after they both came.

"Tú tienes bella." Carlos murmured before bringing a hand to Carmellas' cheek credit caressing it and kissing her.

Pulling away she spoke "We better get back. No telling Charles or Pierre this I will tell them."

"Wait you're going to tell them? Are you sure?"Carlos questioned.

"Mio caro, you are the most gorgeous and sexiest man I have laid my eyes on. Of course I will tell them." She kissed his cheek making him more flustered then he already was and they made there way back to the table.

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