Chapter 4

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Percy's P.O.V

The god wore armour and a long red cloak. He had long blonde hair and blue eyes and he held a heavy looking hammer. Did I mention he looked extremely angry? Well he did.

"Stop mortal!" He bellowed. I pulled Riptide out of my pocket, in pen form. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the robot slowly get up again.

"Get out of my way. I don't want to hurt you." I warned them. The robot flipped up his golden visor, showing that he had a human face. He snickered quietly.

"What are you going to do? Write me to death?" I smiled. I love doing this. I uncapped Riptide and it grew into a bronze leaf shaped sword. The god frowned at the sword.

"This is your last chance little Midgardian! Surrender now!" He shouted.

"Well, I did warn you." I muttered and charged the god. I have to admit, that was pretty stupid. He swung his hammer at my chest but I ducked and slashed at him. He bellowed in rage as Riptide sliced through his armour like butter. The robot man shot a blast of energy which I dodged. It hit the god instead. He flew back a few meters before getting up again. I threw Riptide at the robot and saw it lodge itself deeply in a chink of metal. He tried to pull it out but found that it was too stuck. I saw the god fly at me so I pressed a button on my watch and it transformed into a large shield. His hammer struck my shield with a stunning force that made my arm go numb. It made a loud booming sound and we both flew back. My back hit a wall and I fell to the ground. The god wasn't so lucky. He hit a large pillar and it collapsed in top of him, leaving him trapped beneath a big pile of rubble. I slowly got up and saw Riptide disappear from the robots chest and felt it return to my pocket. I turned to the robot who was aiming his hand at me, crackling with energy.

"Stand down." He ordered. My reply was drowned out by a deafening roar. The robot looked around in surprise and I used the distraction to strike at him. He moved at the last moment and Riptide just missed his face. He threw a punch at me but was too slow. I ducked under him and threw a punch of my own. He doubled over as my fist cracked the metal covering its stomach. I then slammed my shield against his head. He stumbled back a bit before shooting at me. I ran at him, dodging shots of energy. I then kicked at his head, throwing all my weight against the blow. His head snapped back and hit a wall, cracking it. He slid down gently, glowing eyes dimming. Wow, when did I start being able to kick so high? Suddenly the debris exploded and the god rose up. He aimed his hammer at me and shot a burst of electricity at me. I rolled and then made an earthquake around me. The walls and floor shook and the ceiling cracked. Soon I was the only one standing. I took that opportunity and started running again, knowing that the god was in pursuit.

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