Chapter 15

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Steve's P.O.V (OMG. Someone who is not Percy, Piper or Leo?! What?! What is this?!)




With a groan I sleepily reached out, hitting the alarm clock with my hand until I found the right button and the annoying, consistent beeping ceased its fire in my ears. I rolled over, managing to peel my eyes open. Sunlight streamed in through the curtains. I blinked blearily, leaning up onto my arms. I gazed around groggily, then frowned. I was in my room. But how did I get here? I didn't even remember what happened last night... What did happen? I rubbed my eyes and looked towards my alarm clock. I didn't even know why I had one. I always woke up really early. A soldier thing. But when I saw the time, my eyes widened in shock.

10:02 am

The first thing that surprised me was the time. Ten? I always wake up way earlier! I never sleep in!

And the second thing?


What the hell? Yesterday was Thursday! I'm sure of it! It's like a whole day just... disappeared... I climbed out of bed and got dressed. I walked out of my room. The only ones in the lounge was Natasha and Bruce.
"Hey. You slept in late today." Natasha greeted when she saw me.
"Uh hi. Do you know what day it is today?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow.
"Friday. Duh." She rolled her eyes.
"Actually it's Saturday." I corrected her.
"No it's not. It's Friday. Yesterday was Thursday" She repeated. "Bruce tell him." Bruce took his phone out and checked the time and date. His eyes widened and he showed Natasha his phone.
"It's Saturday... but... how?" She stammered. "I don't even remember Friday. I thought yesterday was Thursday."
"We can't remember Friday either." Another voice piped up. We looked up and saw Peter and Clint.
"I thought it was Friday too, until I looked at the date." Clint shrugged.
"Wait, it's not Friday?" Tony's sleepy voice came.
"It's Saturday."
"It's Saturday?" Thor asked, coming in.
"Then where the hell did my Friday go? I was looking forward to it." Tony groaned and slumped down an the couch next to Natasha.
"Wait, so everyone thought it was Friday?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "And no one can actually remember Friday?"
"I only remember Thursday." Peter said. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"That's odd." I murmured, frowning.
"Yes. Very weird. But I'm hungry." Tony whined over dramatically. "Let's get shwarma's! We haven't have them in forever." Everyone mumbled their agreements, except for Peter, who everyone knew didn't like shwarma's. (And yes, Tony tried to make us give him an intervention about it)
"All right. Let's go. Are you coming?" Natasha asked him.
"Nah. I'm good, thanks."

"Oh good god, this is so amazing!" Tony groaned, his mouth full of food.
"Don't talk with your mouth full." Natasha said instantly, rolling her eyes. The shop owners were trying their best to keep the fans out of the shop, so that we could eat in peace. Once we had finished eating, we exited the shop and started walking. Well, we walked. Tony would only walk a few paces, stop and pose for the audience, and then walk a few more paces again, before posing again. Natasha sighed and grabbed his arm, pulling him along. "Hey! Hey stop!" A voice yelled. We all turned around, and saw three teenagers, two boys and a girl, sprinting along, an angry shop worker far behind them. The kids looked familiar for some reason.
"Stop those kids!"
"What is going on here?" Tony asked. I looked around with a frown. This situation seemed vaguely familiar... The others seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"Is it me, or is this moment a déjà vu?"

TA DA! And it's a wrap. It is finally over. I'm so sorry for the late updates, and unfortunately (not) there will be NO SEQUEL. Thank you everybody for reading my story, I'm very grateful for all the support. (Sorry if anything seemed rushed).

Anywho, goodbye, I hope you enjoyed, no sequel, and may the odds be ever in your favour.

Are you still here? Wow. I thought you'd be gone. Anyway, goodbye.

Still here? I admire your patience. Anyway, for real now. Goodbye.

Just kidding. Okay, but SERIOUSLY. This is the last thing that I will write. Goodbye.

I lied.

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