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        He watched her as she ran ahead of him, playfully and carelessly. There wasn't anyone in her way as she dashed up the hill not carring how messy her hair got as she ran. It had taken a fair amount of time to pin up the black strands of hair, but Nobu was about to undo the hairstyle in a matter of minutes.

        (Y/n) stalled behind on purpose to admire how Nobu's bright red yukata stood out against the night. Gold flowers, identical to the one she wore on her hat, were scattered across the fabric. A pattern of flames rimmed the bottom of it beneath the flowers. It showed off her personality perfectly without taking away from the yukata's overall aesthetic. He would like to see her wear it more often.

        When (y/n) had first seen her in it, he had been stunned into silence. He hadn't thought of Nobu as the type of girl to wear delicate summer dresses like this one. Afterall, her usually summer wear was a large oversized shirt. By no means was going to complain though. He didn't mind either choice in clothing, and wasn't about to express his thought on them right this moment.

        "What are you waiting on?" Nobu briefly stopped and called back to him. "If you walk any slower, you'll miss them!"

        She was referring to the fireworks. (Y/n) looked up into the clear sky seeing half of the moon waiting with the stars. He didn't bother to keep Nobu waiting any longer, so he picked up his pace. Afterall, this whole trip was her surprise for him.

        Nobu took a great amount of pride in her country. To her, Japan was the absolute greatest, and she liked to go out of her way to prove that to (y/n) by showing him aspects of Japan whenever she could.

        "From here, we'll be able to see the fireworks pretty well," he commented as he stood next to Nobu. She already had her eyes on the sky. Perhaps she didn't notice herself slightly bouncing in anticipation. (Y/n) smiled at the sight, not daring to point it out to her lest she become self aware of the action and stop.

        "Quick make a wish before they blow up the sky!"

        "Hm? A wish? Isn't that for shooting stars though?" Nobu turned to face him with a deadpan. "Alright, alright. I'll make a wish," (y/n) agreed with a laugh. He had to truly think about it. There was so much that he could ask for, and settling on one thing would be a tough decision. Nobu clearly wanted the wish to count, so he couldn't just say anything that came to mind. Could he?

        "You're gonna miss your opportunity," Nobu whined.

        "Okay fine, I've got one." He looked up at the sky wondering if this really held some sort of significance. "I wish to be able to spend more nights like this with you from here on out."

        Nobu blinked at him. Her surprise at his statement slowly surfaced in her features. (Y/n) could tell that she was deciding whether or not to take him seriously or joke off her slight embarrassment.

        "Me too..." she mumbled and quickly averted her gaze to look at the sky again.

        Now it was (y/n)'s turn to be surprised, but before he could say anything, a single streak of light shot into the sky. It whistled a high pitched tune as if shot higher towards the stars. Without warning, it erupted into a burst of color that spread across the sky. The sound it made (y/n) shiver, but it didn't scare him. In fact, his eyes were glued to the spectacle of lights as more of the fireworks shot up into the air in succession. They were a beautiful sight to behold.

        (Y/n) found himself stepping a little closer to Nobu as the both watched in complete silence. They'd save their words for after their awe had faded. For now, they watched as the colors shifted from sets of orange to green then back over to reds and yellows. Metalic colors joined the ensemble of fireworks as the spectacle continued.

        Nearing the end of the display, Nobu leaned over onto (y/n)'s shoulder. Her eyes hadn't left the sky, but she still managed to find his hand and hold it. The colors died out with the last of the fireworks, and the stars became the focus of the night once again.

        "That was amazing," (y/n) quietly spoke. Nobu simply nodded. She was smiling, giving off a radiance almost as bright as the fireworks they had just viewed. She was proud of the results. "I'm glad you invited me here."

        "We'll be able to see more of that in the future," she added. (Y/n) gave her a hum of agreement. "Come on, let's get back to the festival." She was about to slip her hand away from his and rush off down the hill, but (y/n) stopped her in her tracks.

        "Not yet," he told her. "It looks like I missed one of the fireworks." He pulled her towards him and stopped her question with a kiss. He got traces of the sweets she had already obtained earlier during the festival, but he didn't mind at all. "I should have done that while the rest of them were still here," he mumbled once he pulled away. "They distracted me from you for a moment, but that's not going to happen again next time."

        Nobu smirked at him. "When did you become sly with your words, huh?" She stole a quick kiss from him amd headed off towards the festival again before he could catch her. "I'll eat your candy apple too if you take forever to get back down here!"

        (Y/n) didn't understand what the rush was, but it made Nobu happy for him to chase after her, so he did. Her laughter accompanied the sounds of the festival as he caught up to amd captured her in his arms. How in the world was he going to outperform this for their next date? It was a question that only briefly crossed his mind and faded as he accompanied Nobu for the rest of the night.

Anyone else like fireworks? Until next time you awesome readers!

Fate Series: Oda Nobunaga OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now