Rockin Ensemble

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        The venue for the night was already filled to the brim with fans waiting for the performance that was soon to come. (Y/n) took a quick peek at the crowd for himself before heading backstage to check on the band. He was their manager and took his job very seriously, but the well-being of the band members was his top priority, especially when it came to his girlfriend, Oda Nobunaga. He liked to call her by her nickname, Nobu, whenever he got the chance.

        She was the lead guitarist for the band, Owari's Fools, that was named by her twin brother Kippoushi who was the leader of the group as well as the vocalist. Mori was their drummer which matched his intense and usually wild personality. That left Izou on the keyboard and probably the only one in the band that kept them organized when (y/n) wasn't around. Well, outside of parties at least.

        "Alright, we're up in ten," (y/n) announced to the group. "We're only doing three songs tonight. Shinsen-groovry will come in for their debut to give you guys a break after your second song."

        "How can you say that name with a straight face?" Kippoushi asked, holding back his snickering.

        "It's my job," (y/n) sighed. "We have a signing thirty minutes after the concert. I'll take everyone out for drinks tonight once we're done. You've all earned it." He smiled to himself at the cheers he received from that bit of news. Someone's ring tone interrupted the brief celebration.

        "Crap, I gotta take this call right quick," Nobu told him. "It's Nobukatsu. He probably got lost again."

        "Again?" Kippoushi complained.

        "I'll handle it. Just rest easy until the performance starts. I'll get him here," (y/n) assured her.

        Nobu handed the phone over to him. "Thanks, I owe you," she spoke with a smile before heading off with the rest of the band. "Mori, do not put that microphone in your mouth! Give it back to Kippoushi!" she could be heard scolding the drummer just as (y/n) answered her phone.

        "Hey, you alright?" (y/n) spoke to the distressed boy on the other end of the line. He was definitely lost, and from the sound of it, he was also panicking. Nobu's younger brother was their best supporter, but easily got swept away in crowds. "Stay where you are. I'll come and get you."
He slipped the phone into his pocket and rushed off just as Owari's Fools began greeting the audience.

        Finding Nobukatsu had been the easy part. (Y/n) brought him up to the front row with him so they could enjoy the concert without worry. The band did exceptionally well, outplayed themselves based on the practice sessions that (y/n) had listened in on. He was especially proud of Nobu. She was expected to perform the best out of all of them being that she was the only female member of the band. (Y/n) was sure that her critiques would have nothing but praises for her after tonight.

        The second song started and finished faster than (y/n) expected which led to Shinsen-groovry's performance. (Y/n) listened to them perform for a moment, before heading backstage to check on his group.

        He caught sight of Nobu standing at behind the curtains listening to the new band play. Of course, he made sure to speak to the other band members before going over to her. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

        She turned to him with her signature grin. "Of course I am! They've got a nice sound. It's making me want to completely destroy them on the stage since we're up next again."

        "Ah, she's gotten competitive all of a sudden," (y/n) realized.

        "You'll keep cheering me on, right?" she wondered with a glint of rivalry feuled fire in her eyes.

        "Of course I will. Always," he replied as he slipped his arms up from behind Nobu to pull her into a hug. He even placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "Get ready to blow them away. You guys are up next." The smirk she couldn't help but show was full of confidence.

        He returned back to the audience to watch the final performance with Nobukatsu. If he wasn't mistaken, Nobu wasn't the only one feeling hyped about the final song. The other band members, especially Mori, sounded like they wanted to go all out as well. A little rivalry all in good fun was good for them, so (y/n) was glad to have had Shinsen-groovry show up to boost his band's morale. The cheers erupting from the crowd only made him feel a bit more prideful about it. All that was left now was the signing event.

        This was the stressful part. While Owari's Fools interacted with their fans under the supervision of body guards, (y/n) was left to work out the aftermath of the venue's sales and speak to other people who were interested in booking them for their next event. He was careful to make sure that the band was paid every penny they earned according to the prices that were discussed beforehand.

        (Y/n) tired made his way backstage where his band members would be resting while the area finally cleared out. "Hm? Where's Nobu?" He didn't see her among the group.

        "She went to talk to that other band," Izou informed. He shot (y/n) a look of concern as Mori and Kippoushi began to argue not having heard (y/n)'s initial question. "I'm not breaking that up," he added. They'd cool of on their own, so (y/n) took out his phone to call Nobu only to realize that he still had her phone in his pocket.

        "I'll be right back. Don't let Mori break anything," he told Izou.

        Searching around the stage produced no results. Nobu wasn't anywhere to be found. All of the body guards were here, so where could she be without one?? It had (y/n) beginning to worry. Nobu was perfectly capable of handling herself, but he didn't anything to happen to her regardless of her capabilities. As he rounded a corner, he reached the beginning of the parking lot and heard a commotion involving a very familiar voice. His instincts immediately kicked in.

        "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" he just about shouted at the trio of men that had clearly gotten their brains scrambled if they seriously thought they could get away with harassment. Nobu was standing in front of a girl from Shinsen-groovry with her arm out to stop the trio. All eyes fell on (y/n) as he stormed over to the group. "Get out of here! I'll sue every last one of you if you stand here a second longer!" The bass in his voice startled them enough to convince them to scatter.

        "Are you alright, Okita?" Nobu asked the girl.

        "Yes, thank you. I didn't realize they'd do this over an autograph..." The girl seemed dejected.

        "Happens all the time. Just be careful next time. Can't trust your fans like you trust you band members. They'll betray you, ya know?" Nobu sent the girl on her way back to her group. "You arrived just in time!" Nobu turned to face (y/n). He immediately hugged her. "Oi, I'm alright. Calm down, calm down. I was just about to send them off to the sixth heaven right before you showed up."

        "I couldn't find you," he quietly spoke. He slipped her phone out of his pocket and let her go. "Here, I didn't mean to hold on to this for so long."

        "Ah, so that's where it was. That reminds me, I still owe you for taking that call for me." She leaned forward and kissed him just long enough to calm his nerves. "Let's head back. You promised us all drinks, remember." He gave her a quiet nod and let her take his hand to lead them back towards the rest of the band members.

Okay so I guess I lied when I said Kippoushi wasn't going to show up. My bad, didn't see that brief appearance coming. Until next time you amazing readers!

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