A Shadow to Chase

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        Nobunaga Oda was a wonderful daimyo. Though at times her methods could be ruthless or baffling, (y/n) could find no fault in her. He held her at a high level of respect, but he also loved her. He just couldn't freely express the extent of emotions as much as he wanted to.

        He was not one of her retainers, but he was someone she kept closeby whenever she could have him around. He was her shadow. If she needed it to be done away from the sight of others, he handled it for her. He was at her beckoning call, but she treated him far more graciously than she could truly afford to. Sometimes (y/n) worried if her special treatment would catch on with others.

        For now, he simply stayed under the darkened sky waiting for the first signs of snow. The cold did not bother him in the slightest thanks to his training to resist harsh weather conditions. At the very least, he'd stay out here until the snow actually fell.

        "How long do you intend to hide from me up there? Hm?" Nobu called from her window below him. He sat quietly atop the roof just above her private quarters, undetected by anyone else. The night provided him with all the cover he needed, and should anyone see him, there was nothing they could say. Everyone in the area was currently an ally. Those who were not didn't get the chance to express otherwise.

        "I'm not hiding. You just didn't look in the right places." He smiled at the huff of frustration she let out at his statements.

        Rather than waiting on her to speak again, (y/n) vanished from his place on the roof and reappeared at her open window. He crouched on the windowsill and used a single hand to keep himself balanced there. The quiet breeze that blew against his back gave him an air of mystery.

        "You don't have to keep watch outside like that. Come in," Nobunaga said with a hand gesture as she stepped away from the window. Her uniform was replaced with her nightly attire and her hat was missing.

        She shot him a glare. "Stop your staring and get down from there. You'll fall."

        "I'm not going to fall." He let go of the side of the window as he said this, yet he maintained his balance. Even so, Nobunaga was already reaching out to catch his other arm.

        "Stop that..." she quietly spoke. Though her words were soft spoken, her eyes burned into him. Obvious fury blazed within the red of her irises.

        "Sorry," (y/n) mumbled. He gave up his antics and stepped down into her room to sit on the window's edge. "I might have gone a little too far." He reached his hand out to catch some of her hair before watching it slip from his fingers. "Why did you call me down from the roof? Is something bothering you?"

        "Can't I just seek you out for a personal matter? I am allowed to have a life outside of my service to my country. Don't forget..." she finally let his arm go and leaned towards his ear. "I am not just your daimyo, (y/n)," she whispered. "You do understand that, right?"

        "I am your shadow first and foremost, Nobu," (y/n) said as calmly as he could.

        She laughed to herself and leaned back to look him in the eyes. "You're no fun. You could at least pretend to let your guard down."

        "And risk yet another lecture from you about it? No thanks." This was not the first time she had tried to toy with him. If he fell for her initial act, then Nobunaga would go on about how he was expected to be ready for anything. He didn't think it was very fair of her since she was going to let him slack off anyway.

        "I don't give out lectures," Nobunaga claimed, but it was obviously a lie. She was trying not to laugh as she said it.

        "Right, of course you don't," (y/n) mumbled to play along with her. He was about to add a sarcastic remark when he heard her sneeze.

        The two of them made eye contact with Nobunaga completely still in the exact pose she had when her sneeze ended. Her cheeks turned color as she continued to stare at him.

        "I'm not cold," she quickly insisted the very second (y/n) moved.

        "I'm not letting you talk your way out of that one." He got up and closed the window behind him. "I'd be a horrible shadow if I let my daimyo freeze all night, now wouldn't I?"

        "I'm perfectly fine." Her attempt to talk him out of acting but failed. "Hey, put me down!" she quietly hissed so as not to alert the samurai guarding the hall outside her room.

        (Y/n) had picked her up without warning and carried her over to her bed. Then he threw her blankets over her before going over to her wardrobe. Nobunaga narrowed her eyes at him, but stayed right where she was even as (y/n) pulled a bright red garment out of her assortment of clothing.

        "Don't you think you're overdoing it?" she complained.

        "Of course not," he said with a smirk. He brought the scarf over to her and dropped it over her shoulders. "Now if you freeze, it won't be my fault." He leaned towards her and used the scarf to pull her closer. "But I'd never allow the cold to get to you. You'd probably just start a fire right here in the estate before that could happen."

        (Y/n) didn't give her an opportunity to say otherwise. He kissed her just as she formed the thought that would supposedly disprove his theory. He let go of the scarf and use his arms to prop himself up on the side of the bed as Nobunaga pulled him closer. When she pulled away, she kept a hand against his face and gently rubbed her thumb across his cheek.

        "It's late. You should get some rest. You have an important meeting with the shogun tomorrow," (y/n) quietly said. "I've already distracted you enough..."

        "You can be such an annoying shadow sometimes," she spoke in response. "Would it kill you to relax just for one night."

        "It might kill both of us for me to do that." But he found himself sitting at the side of her bed without the desire to go back outside. He glanced at the window, the thought to return to his duty fading the more he looked that way. "You have my company until morning."

        Her eyes lit up upon hearing him say that. She grinned and wasted no time in hugging him to express her happiness. (Y/n) flinched at first but allowed himself to relax. It wasn't the first time she had given him such direct affection, but he was still not as used to her initiating such things.

        "Thanks, (y/n)." He smiled at her gratitude and returned the hug she gave him. Simple as it was, it became a very important memory for the daimyo, Nobunaga Oda.

This definitely has nothing to do with that one thing I didn't explain last time. Nope, not at all. Until next time you epic readers!

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