When She Rose Pt. 1

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        (Y/n) had realized from a young age that he didn't quite know what love was. One couldn't really expect him to grasp the concept so early on in life, and it came as no surprise to him when he couldn't understand it even in his early higgschool years.

        Until he met her.

        It was his third year of realizing the trap that school was when that girl walked into his life. Her hair was bright red and she wasn't afraid of anything. She wasn't even in any of (y/n)'s classes. Their paths just happened to cross by chance, and he never had any intention to fall for her.

        On the second day of school that year, (y/n) had been heading home feeling hopeful for once about what his future might hold. He had honestly been minding his own business when she ran right across his path. Red hair trailing behind her and shook bag over one shoulder as she passed by.

        It was almost like one of those ridiculously clichéd cut scenes where time slowed down. In truth, that's what it had felt like. Her gaze just briefly met his as he looked at her in both shock and awe. It was on that day that he learned that he name was Oda Nobunaga, and she was running from a group of boys that she had picked a fight with. (Y/n) also later found out that she was "making a tactical retreat" after which she promptly made sort work of the trio of boys.

        (Y/n) couldn't really recall how or when they started hanging out together after that. Every day after school whether it be studying or simply chatting, he's see Nobu and her bright personality. He fell quickly. All to quickly. So quickly that he started bringing her a rose everyday after they had been friends for that first year.

        Then came their final year. And that was the last he saw of her.

        Graduation day held some of the greatest memories of his life. The one memory that stood out the most about that day was when Nobu kissed him. She didn't ask and she didn't care that they were still at the graduation ceremony. The mere shock of it had petrified him and he never forgot the laugh she gave in response.

        Yet, the next day, she was gone. Without a trace, Nobu had disappeared. Her family had moved away and took her with them. It wasn't how things were supposed to go, and the tragedy that caused it was just as abrupt.

        "Dude, are you okay? You've been zoning out for the past three minutes."

        (Y/n) looked up from his drink to look at his friend Gudako. She had been his friend since before he met Nobu, and she knew how much the disappearance had affected him.

        Currently, there were at a small party with the rest of their friends from highschool. Those that stayed in close contact were still some of (y/n) closest friends. They had all been there at his highest and lowest moment.

        "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. I'm glad we're all able to meet up like this." He manages a small smile as he remains leaning against the wall, cup still in hand and nearly empty.

        Gudako looks at him, shaking her head at his claim. "You're not actually okay, are you...?" She glances around the room before looking him in the eyes again. His other three friends were attempting to beat each other in a multi-player game that (y/n) himself was taking a break from.

        "Don't worry, I'm seriously okay. Just wanted to get a drink right quick."

        He wasn't entirely lying. The gathering had been fun so far, and nothing at all was wrong with it. Good friends, good food, and good times were all he needed. It was just that he'd remember her ever so often and suddenly get this painful feeling that he couldn't describe. It was the result of experiencing his first heartbreak. Time had healed him, but every now and then, he'd still recall.

        "You're zoning out again, (y/n)."

        "I assure you, I'm paying attention. I just don't have much I want to say right now." He looks at her attempting to persuade her into saving her worries for some other time.

        "I..." Gudako stopped herself and shook her head. "Nevermind. I'll tell you later. Just remind me before we all go home tonight."

        Before he could ask her to elaborate, she returned to the others to join in the next round of gameplay. Gudako was not the type of person to hide things, and (y/n)'s curiosity had already been sparked. He finished off his drink so that he could join everyone again.

        The more he hung out with his friends, the less he thought about the things that had been troubling him earlier, but he didn't forget that Gudako had something she wanted to tell him. The curiousity had him jumping to conclusions and he was worried about what it was since she made it appear to be important. By the time everyone was ready to leave, Gudako kept her word and took (y/n) aside to tell him what she wanted to say.

        "I got a call from someone who was looking for you. About two days ago," she began to explain. "I don't know how he got my number or why he was looking for you. He just asked if you still lived in town. I didn't give him a definite answer because I didn't know what his intentions were."

          "That's strange. Did he at least tell you who he was?"

        Gudako nodded. "Yeah, he said his name was Kippoushi, but I don't remember anyone by that name. Do you know him?"

        (Y/n) looked at her in shock. It would make sense that she didn't know who Kippoushi was because Nobu had never mentioned him to anyone. (Y/n) just happened to know because he met him just once.

        "Are you sure his name was Kippoushi? That's what he said??"

        Gudako slowly nodded at him and took out her phone. She scrolled through her recent calls and showed him the number that registered with an unknown caller ID.

        "You can give him a call yourself to see what he wanted, but I would never give away your information like that. Could be dangerous..."

         (Y/n) quickly took out his own phone and copied the number onto the dial pad. He turned to rush outside to make the call but stopped himself.

        "Thank you for telling me, Gudako. You're the best, never change."

        Gudako gave him a thumbs up, and he resumed his quick escape out the door. Since everyone was heading home, he went ahead and began to walk down the street towards his car. He didn't hesitate to make the call and put his phone on speaker so he could drive home while talking.

        The phone rang. Repetitive. Building up his anticipation until it went to voice-mail. He quickly reached over to hang up and redial. He didn't live far from his other friends, most of them having moved into apartments in the same general area. Still, he waited as he drove home, and again he got Kippoushi's voice-mail.

        "Come on, man. Just pick up the phone. I know it's late, just–"

        He pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building at a loss for words. Even from here in the dark, that color red was unmistakable. She was walking down the sidewalk. Walking away from the building he lived in.

        Still dumbstruck, (y/n) got out of his car and stood at the end of the sidewalk waiting for her. She'd gotten a bit taller and her hair was much longer despite retaining its bright red color. He still found it hard to believe that it wasn't dyed.

        As she got closer, (y/n) was able to fully convince himself that he wasn't dreaming. Their gazes met and he u consciously smiled at her.


I sure do love cliffhangers. Don't you? No? Really, just me...? Until next time you awesome readers!

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