When She Rose Pt. 2

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        "It's been a while, hasn't it?" She returned his smile with one of her own. Nobu had let her hair grow to where one of her eyes was covered by her bangs.

        "Yeah, it has." He didn't know what else to say.

        For starters, he hadn't even known how Nobu had gotten here. He was pretty happy to see her, but other feelings were starting to resurface as well. They hadn't had a proper parting, so there were still negative feelings that still lingered at the back of his mind.

        "I was in town and wanted to visit, so I looked for you," Nobu explained. She sounded...more mature? The tone of her voice made it clear that something about her had changed, but (y/n) couldn't quite figure out what it was.

        "Well it's...good to see you again, Nobu. How have you been?"

        "I've been well enough. How about you? How's everything been over the past couple years?"

        At first, (y/n) isn't sure what to say to her. Everything had been fine. Realistically speaking, he had mostly moved on. Now here Nobu was standing in front of him out of nowhere. No warning. No calls or texts.

        "Why are you here, Nobu? Where did you even disappear to, and why'd you even come back?"

        The words had left him before he even realized he had said such things. His own surprise was present in his expression as he looked at her wondering if he should apologize, but that was how he truly felt. Deep down, those were just a couple of the many things he wanted to say.

        "You're upset with me." She wasn't asking. She met his gaze with a slight frown. "You have ever right to be. I left without a word and didn't even break up with you."

        "That's the part you remember the most? The not breaking up part?" He can practically feel his past emotional wounds starting to reopen. The feeling was starting to suffocate him.

        "That isn't what I..." Nobu quickly shook her head. Her words fail to come out as she begins to look at him apologetically. "I wanted to apologize to you. I came back to find you and apologize. My grandfather died and left everything to me instead of my brother which complicated things. I had to leave and handle the company instead of staying here with you. I...I wasn't given a choice."

        "You didn't even try contacting me. Didn't leave behind a letter or even a sticky note. You just left." (Y/n) closed his eyes as he attempted to calm his nerves.

        The two of them are quiet for a moment. Both of them stand there and processing their own feelings as the try to find something to say. Anything to make this awkward reunion any less painful than it already was. If anyone was watching from the surrounding apartment buildings, they'd probably be confused about what was going on. It was hard to tell if things were about to take a bad turn or suddenly improve.

        "Why didn't you contact me, Nobu?"

         "To keep you safe." Her answer was quick and without hesitation. "I run a company on the surface. It's much more complicated behind closed doors."

        "Complicated. Right, that makes sense. You cut off all contact because things got complicated." (Y/n) looked her in the eyes. Part of him was angry now. The other half wanted her to say she still felt the same as he did when they were in highschool.

        Nobu looked away from him, unable to bear the guilt that his stare gave her.

        "I want to start over. I want things to go differently this time." She looks at him again. "The decision is yours to make. All I ask is that you be honest."

        "Honest about what?" He tried not to let his hopes rise, but those words brought to mind a possibility.

        "Do you still love me?"

        He kept quiet. His heart grew heavy and he sighed as he looked away from her. That beautiful red hair making it hard not to look back at her again.

        "I never stopped..."

        It seemed to be all she needed to know. Her entire mod seemed to brighten and her eyes seemed to burn in a way he had only been able to see in his memories.

        "But that doesn't mean that I've made up my mind. You can't just show up and expect me t–"

        She had hugged him. His thoughts fled and he stood there frozen and tense for a moment. Her arms wrapped further around his frame and he slowly relaxed. She had always been unusually warm like this. (Y/n) practically went into autopilot as he hugged her back with a bit more force. He didn't want to let her go.

        "Are you going to disappear again?" he quietly spoke under his breath.

        "No, I won't. I can do what I want now. Just say the word. Those days of the past will become the present, and I'll prove that your choice was the right one."

        He closed his eyes and leaned against her a bit. His wounded heart was slowly recovering just from the hug alone. He imagine what it would be like if she let him kiss her again, but quickly shook the thought from his head to focus on...what was he even supposed to be focusing on again?

        "Is this a yes? Will you give me another chance?"

        "I need some time to think about it." He didn't want to outright agree and rush into this knowing that there was still the possibility of experiencing heartbreak again. "You'll still be in town, right?"

        "For as long as I need to be. If I have to, I'll buy the whole town myself." He softly laughed at her words. "That wasn't a joke."

         "Then, I'll talk to you...tomorrow? Maybe the day after...?" He leaned his head against hers, still not wanting to let her go, but it was getting late. This moment would have to end at some point.

        "Tomorrow is perfect. Even the day after is good." She starts to let him go, taking the hint that he was ready to go into his apartment and think through things. However, (y/n) didn't let her go just yet. "What is it?"

        "How will I contact you if I don't have your number, Nobu?"

        She almost smirked. He saw it fade and she gently rubbed his back before giving him a sufficient answer.

        "Before you got here, I left my number on your door. I thought you had just decided not to open the door and ignored me. I'm glad that wasn't the case."

        He finally let her go and he felt as if some of the negative emotions he had been holding in were able to leave as well. Exchanging farewells was a difficult task for him, but he tried not to compare it to the first time she left.

        Conflicted but strangely calm, (y/n) finally made his way up to his apartment door. He got to his door and found Nobu's number written on a note card that was embedded in an arrangement of roses. He blinked at them and picked up the flower arrangement finding it a little strange that she'd leave him flowers, but he knew. The flowers' significance was important, and so he couldn't help but smile to himself as he took the flowers inside with him.
        Love was not an easy thing to comprehend and sometimes it even brought pain, but maybe this wasn't going to end the way he thought it would.

Could just be me but I kind of really liked this one. Not too cliché and not too sad. But that's just me thinking, hope you guys enjoyed it as well. Until next time you incredible readers!

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