Colors that Bloom

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        "Daoka!" The way she enthusiastically called that name as she quickly approached the assassin did not sit well with (y/n). He didn't know what it was about the guy that always got Nobunaga's attention every time she saw him. "Oi, don't ignore me Daoka!" She caught his neck in an arm hold as he tried to escape the lounge, one of Chaldea's many rooms. "How are ya?"

        Izou out was clearly not in the mood and immediately complained. "Let go of me, woman!" (Y/n) merely watched in annoyance as she wordlessly refused and continued her antics.

        "Aw, don't be that way. Having a dull attitude like that doesn't suit ya! You're usually more lively. Maybe drunk more often than not, but what difference does it make!" Izou was not enjoying the one sided conversation in the slightest. (Y/n) didn't understand Nobunaga's reasoning in bothering the servant all of the time. Okada Izou was the one servant that (y/n) often saw hanging around Sakamoto Ryouma and his snake wife, Oryou. Just what was so special about him anyway?

        "Oi!" Izou had managed to pull out of Nobunaga's grab. "Quit bothering me! Don't you already have a man over there!" He pointed at (y/n) who sat across the room in shock. Nowhere in his agenda did he see the line "you will be called out by Okada Izou" when he got up that morning. Sure, he often hung around in the same area as Oda did, but that was quite literally pure coincidence. He would be in places around the facility, and she would just suddenly show up. The first few times seeing her, (y/n) thought it would be better not to waste her time as his first impression of her was different from how he saw her now. Oddly enough, Izou was often there during Nobunaga's mysterious appearances as well.

        "Hm?" Oda looked over at (y/n), and they locked gazes for a moment before (y/n) ultimately looked away. He was not the type to keep staring into someone's eyes regardless of how cute and badass he thought they were. She laughed a bit too loudly and pulled Izou aside to have a private conversation. Whatever she said to him had Izou giving her an look of confusion that morphed into irritation. Now it was Izou that was looking at (y/n), but he didn't notice since he had already turned his attention away from the two and went back to what he was initially doing, absolutely nothing. It wasn't until Izou was already closeby that (y/n) noticed the assassin.

        When (y/n) looked towards him, Izou was starring at him with narrowed eyes. Far behind him, Nobunaga was standing with a shocked expression on her face. "Listen here," Izou began. He pointed at (y/n) accusingly. "If you don't hurry up and let her know whether you're interested or not, I'm going to cut you down. Got that?" He turned and pointed at Nobunaga who was readying a gun to shoot him with. "And you better stop acting chummy with me as an excuse to hang around him! I ain't nobody's mediator! Find someone else to use!" Furious, Izou stormed off leaving the two servants behind.

        (Y/n) took the risk of looking directly at Nobunaga. He was rewarded when he saw her gun vanish from her hands, her face turning shades of pink that (y/n) didn't think he could see on a servant. "Um...hi there?" he attempted to speak to her. Nobunaga lowered her head, hiding her expression behind her hair and the cap of her hat. (Y/n) thought he had upset her since she slowly began to walk towards him without lifting her head. To his surprise, nothing of the sort was true.

        "...Oda." Her voice came out in a whisper that he couldn't really hear making that the only part he had heard.

        "Sorry, I didn't hear you," he said, slightly nervous by the situation overall.

        Nobunaga lifted her head and looked him dead in the eyes. Her voice rose to almost yelling as she tried her sentence again. "I'm Nobunaga Oda!" Her hand shot out in front of her. "It's...nice to meet you," she added. She carefully watched him, likely hoping that he accepted her hand.

        "Just call me (y/n). Nice to meet you too," he said with a slight smile as he accepted Nobunaga's handshake. He saw her look aside rather than meet his gaze. Now her ears were tinted with color as well. "I see you around a lot," (y/n) said when he let her hand go. "Want to get a drink some time? Maybe spar or something?" He had just spoken to her, so he had to go ahead and get it over with. The worst she could say was yes or no, but it really would be a blow to his feelings if she said no.

        "How about now?" Nobunaga blurted out. "We can get a drink right now."

        "Oh," the proposition caught him off guard. "Well, yeah sure. Let's go then."

        The walk towards the cafeteria was somewhat awkward as the two didn't know what to say to one another. (Y/n) now realized that his suspicions about Izou weren't what he thought them to be. The only issue now that he had somehow scored a chance to talk to Nobunaga was how in the world he was going to keep himself from messing this up.

        "The flower on your hat. Which one is it?" (y/n) spoke up in an attempt to make small talk. He saw Nobunaga flinch when he broke the silence between them.

        "It's a Quince." She stopped in her tracks, prompting (y/n) to do the same. "Do you know what it means?" He shook his head to indicate that he had no idea. Oda got closer to him. "It means..." he hand met his chest as she pushed him against the wall. "Temptation." Her voice came as a whisper to his ear. "At least, that's one of its meanings. You fit that description pretty well, you know." She back away just enough to look him in the eyes. The color on her face had vanished although her ears now burned a light red. "I didn't know how to get to you, but now that I have, there's no escaping these flames of mine. I hope you're ready." Just like that, she left his personal space and resumed her walk to Chaldea's cafeteria. (Y/n) was a little stunned and stood still against the wall while his heart raced faster than he could handle. "You still want those drinks?" Nobunaga called ahead of him while looking back with a smirk.

Please don't hate on Izou, he's my favorite fate character. Anyways, this is a Nobu book, forget that. Until next time you epic readers!

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