The Flavor of Jealousy

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        The cafeteria belonging to none other than Chaldea was not always this busy, but when it was, there was a chance that Emiya was involved. (Y/n) should have known something was up when he saw that many servants gathered in the area. He was just there for lunch after an exhausting morning. Being one of the last masters in the building came with both pros and cons afterall.

        "Ah, maybe I'll just-" (y/n) turned around only to freeze in his tracks as Nobu walked up behind him. They almost ran into each other, but the former war lord was quick to react and stop before the collided.

        "Huh? Oh, master. You came by to try the new guy's cooking too?"

        "New guy?" He hadn't summoned any new servants as of late. Usually he was aware when Ritsuka did, but there was the possibility that he had missed the new arrival entirely.

        "Yeah, he calls himself Emiya. Everyone's been talking about it all day. It's really getting annoying, but I couldn't help but wonder what all the fuss was about. Wanna grab a quick snack with me?" She flashed him that grin that he could never bring himself to say no to. Even if there was an alternate universe where he ever did say no, Nobu was already taking hold of his arm and guiding him towards the crowd.

        There were servants that (y/n) hardly ever caught sight of sitting at the many tables in the area enjoying all different types of meals. "What if he can make taiyaki?!" Nobu turned back towards (y/n) with her eyes wide with anticipation. Despite the large number of servants, there wasn't much chaos going on. Everyone just seemed to be enjoying good food. It had (y/n) letting his guard down just a little, but that one moment was all it took.

        Nobu was suddenly pushed towards him, and for a moment she remained pressed against his chest, clinging to his shirt in surprise. It was just long enough for (y/n) to panic and notice just how loud the sound of his beating heart was. Then, just as quickly as it had happened, Nobu let him go and whirled around towards the perpetrator. "Hey, watch where you're going!" she snapped.

        Cú Alter looked back at her with an annoyed expression but surprisingly muttered an apology. It appeared that Frankenstein and Mordred were attempting to speak to him about something regarding his Caster self who had made a statement about the pink haired berserker. (Y/n) was just glad that he didn't have to witness a fight break out right in front of him.

        Nobu turned back to him wanting to say something, but someone else beat her to the punch. "Well if it isn't Nobunaga and her master!" Nobu faced the servant with agitation. "Been a while," Musashi greeted. "You two must have come to taste some of that new servant's cooking. He makes some really amazing udon!! Why don't you guys give it a try? It's so so good. The best thing you could ever eat in this world," she rambled on.

        "Sounds like he must really skilled," (y/n) commented.

        "Skilled or not, we didn't come here for Udon," Nobu said with her arms crossed and head tilted to the side so that her hat casted a bit of a shadow across her face.

        "Aww, such a shame. Do try some next time around!" Musashi left them alone afterwards prompting Nobu to finally speak her mind, but yet another servant came to interupt.

        "Oh, I'm so sorry." The little girl in question was Abigail and Nursery Rhythm was right behind her. The girls had accidentally bumped right into Nobunaga before she could speak.

        "Ahaha..." Nobu gave them a strained smile. "No worries. Run along now, kids." (Y/n) was starting to worry that she'd start clearing some space with her shotguns if another servant interrupted her train of thought one more t-

        A certain pair of twin tailed goddesses tumbled across the area right between Nobu and (y/n). It was safe to assume that it was food that they were fighting over, but (y/n) didn't care to find out. He took hold of Nobu's shoulders and turned her towards the chef.

        "Let's just get some food and get out of here before anything else happens." She didn't object, but she didn't agree either. Regardless, she kept silent and let (y/n) guide them up to place an order of taiyaki. Quietly she accepted the fish shaped treat, and wordlessly she gave Emiya her thanks with a simple nod. Nobu didn't even make a sound when she grabbed hold of (y/n)'s arm amd dragged him right out of the cafeteria effectively ignoring anyone who called her in the process.

        While (y/n) didn't fear Nobu, he did fear her anger and silently prayed that no one else went out of their way to bother her as she took them back to his room. Thankfully, no one did, and they arrived safely without issue.

        "Here!" She handed over his share of taiyaki and pulled out the chair at his desk for him to sit in. Her entire mood did a complete turn around. Or did it...?

        Nobu caught his wrist just before he could take a bit of the taiyaki. "I wanted you to tell me whether or not you really wanted taiyaki instead of deciding for you, but too many servants kept getting in the way," she said in a tone that suggested she was still very much upset about the whole ordeal. She sat in his lap and took the taiyaki right out of his hand.

        "I really don't mind, Nobu," he spoke, keeping direct eye contact with her while attempting to retrieve his stolen snack. "It's what you wanted, right?"

        "No," she immediately answered. "What I wanted was to share a snack with you in the cafeteria, but this isn't so bad either. At least here, I'd be the only one to see your reaction." She bit treat before he could get it back from her only to hold it out to him. "Go on, tell me how it tastes."

        Hesitantly, he did indeed try the Japanese specialty. "It's good."

        "Isn't it?" Nobu sly smiled. Before he could react, Nobu stole his air with a kiss that was almost no differentthan the taiyaki. "Next time we'll try a snack that you like."

I regret nothing. Until next time you outstanding readers!

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