Chapter 2

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I once again make it to the classroom early, CD and letter in hand

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I once again make it to the classroom early, CD and letter in hand. His locker is a few away from mine so I reach for it and slide the letter in. In between classes he always goes to his locker to exchange his books and file away his notes, organized as usual, adorable.

I rush out and return to the table, my bathroom excuse can only hold for a certain amount of time until it feels like I'm gone for a suspicious amount of time. My girls greet me as I hear snippets of conversation from Tenya's table, mostly about the letter.

Lunch ends and we all return to class, as predicted Tenya opens his locker and finds the note, he smiles to himself and begins opening it, his face once again goes red. He looks carefully at the CD and returns it to the locker neatly as he collects his books.

After class, he retrieves the letter and Ururaka tries guessing who it could be, reading over every inch of the note, looking for clues, clues of which I left none of.

"Whoever it is sure is romantic huh Iida?"

"Well, yes. I have never received something like this, are you certain this isn't some joke Ururaka, meant to distract me?"

"My initial thought was that it could be a prank, but I doubt someone would write something like this and go through this trouble twice. I thinkkk you really have an admirer Iida." at that his face returns to a tomato colour as the two walk out to meet with Deku.

My heart can't help but beat faster every time I see him. Recently I haven't been as talkative with him, worried I'll give myself away. My relationship with my classmates is strong and honestly, it hurts not talking to Iida every chance I get. I miss him calling my name.

Love Letter ││ Tenya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now