Chapter 5

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Today's letter will be given to him directly, not by myself of course

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Today's letter will be given to him directly, not by myself of course. I considered my options carefully, Ojiro may be too suspicious since it's known that we are close friends. Telling any of the girls would be like telling Tenya himself, except for maybe Momo, as much as I love them they cannot keep a secret, especially not something like this. In the end, I ask Momo to do it, I told her the whole story and asked if she would give it to him and say it was from the person, which she excitedly agreed to after swearing to not tell a soul.

The exchange happened and Tenya blushed once again while reading the letter. He thanked Momo and the bell rang for class.

I quickly gathered my things to leave-

"Hey y/n." I jump at the sound of Tenya's voice behind me. I haven't heard him say my name in a while.

"Uhh yes, Tenya?"

"um well, I assume you have heard about the letters I've been receiving, and I am wondering if you know who has been writing them, considering your close relationship with the girls in 1A and 1B, today the letter was given to me by Momo so I have already ticked two people off of the list, yet I still cannot pin down who it is" I panicked, though I'm not sure if the worry was that he suspected me or that i might not even be a possibility, both scared me equally.

"Whoever it is hasn't said a word to me, but if i hear anything i will let you know, do you suspect anyone yet?"

"Well in truth i u-um, already have feelings for someone and i hoped the person writing to me and the girl i like are one and the same person. Though it is unrealistic, as the one i like is out of my reach."

"Out of your reach?" he looked away from me, avoiding my gaze, as if looking through his mind for a response.

"She is an admirable girl, beautiful inside and out but i know other people find her attractive aswell, men that i do not feel i can beat in a war of love."

"you never know, maybe she feels the same." i wonder to myself who the girl he likes is, all of the 1A and 1B girls are beautiful inside and out, maybe its Ibara? She is the girl i find the most beautiful, apart from Momo of course.

"Unlikely. In truth I am confused, my feelings for this girl and the one writing to me are complex. I feel admiration for both in different ways, but I cannot simply stop my feelings for the girl I've already fallen for. However, the one who writes to me makes me feel other types of emotions and the effort she is putting in for someone like me is insane. I just cannot pin who it could be."

"Well maybe you like both of them, or maybe they are the same person and that is why you are falling for both. You cannot predict the outcome, I'd say either embrace it and see how it turns out or confess to the girl you like and move from there."

"C-confess? I don't think I can, as a man I feel unworthy of her. Thank you for your advice, I will keep what you've said in mind for the future." and with that, he rushes off, most likely to return to Ururaka and Deku.

To think he came to me for advice, does that mean he doesn't suspect me... or does he suspect me? My brain is on the verge of exploding.

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