Chapter 8

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Tenya arrived behind the dorms, he noticed a piece of earth sticking up from the ground with a letter attached to it

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Tenya arrived behind the dorms, he noticed a piece of earth sticking up from the ground with a letter attached to it. He reached down and grabbed it, reading it slowly. 'Turn around'.

Y/n made her way behind him when she felt like he finished reading the letter.

"Turn around" she said suddenly, making him jump a bit.

Slowly he turned around to see a brightly smiling face staring back at him.


"Surprise, Tenya"

"I-it was y-you? T-this whole t-time?"

"Yeah, I didn't know you reciprocated feelings, so i decided to start writing to you, the songs i put are from a playlist of songs that reminded me of you, cringy i know." she put her hand behind her head nervously.

"I-i don't know what t-to say...I have had feelings for you, for a long time now, i just never thought you would like me back..."

"Well, i do..." she paused "Tenya?"


"I love you, so much. I've wanted to tell you that for so long now. You drive me crazy with all of the cute things you do and having to stop myself from looking at you and trying not to slip up when talking to you was so hard you have no idea. Watching you neatly align your stationary on your desk, seeing you smile so brightly when talking about your family, seeing your kindness shine through all the time, and not to mention the fact that you are so freaking attractive, like how on earth do you always look so amazing. S-sorry, i'm rambling again..." she looks up at Tenya who is once again very red in the face, tightly clutching the letter in his hand as he attempts to process everything.

His words don't seem to form so he bows and yells "Y/N L/N, I LOVE YOU, WOULD YOU MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD AND GO OUT WITH ME" His face erupted in red once again as his hands shake beside him, attempting to keep his composure.

He rises from his bow awaiting a response until he feels a pair of arms around him.

"Of course" a few happy tears spill down her face as Tenya nervously puts his arms around her, finally being able to hug one another.

Meanwhile, from the window:

"called it" Hanta laughed from behind the small crowd that formed at the back window.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOW MOMO" Ururaka questioned, still jumping around happy that Tenya finally got his girl.

"Not that long, y/n had just asked me to pass him a letter once"

"OMG OMG WHO ELSE KNEW AND DIDNT SAY ANYTHING" Mina questioned still watching her bestie get her mans.

"Me" Ojiro shyly raised his hand.

The group returned to the common room satisfied with the outcome. The amount of teasing the new couple was going to have to endure would be insane.

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