Chapter 7

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The day has come huh?

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The day has come huh?

Finally confessing to the Tenya Iida, the guy I've been crushing on since the first day of school.

Yesterday I received the letter from Tenya and after planning for the rest of the day i decided there no better time than the present. I make it to class with Mina and Denki, talking about heros and shoes and god knows what else we rambled about.

The classes went by quickly until the bell for lunch blared. Mina rushed to the lunch room to get our good seats while Eijiro, Denki, Katsuki, and Hanta made their way slowly. Once the rest of the class left I slipped the letter and CD onto Tenya's desk and made my way to join the four of them who were still walking down the hallway.

"Wait for me asshats" I yelled running at them.

Lunch ended and we all returned to class, Tenya was already in class, he was just opening the letter as i went and sat down, making sure nobody noticed the glances I gave him as he read it. Today's song was a bit um... spicy... His face went rose red, a bit redder than usual. Ururaka rushed to him to read today's letter and he hid it from her, likely thinking the final verse was a bit too scandalous for anyone else to see.

He's such a sweetheart.

The rest of the day flies by as I pack up my things to return to the dorms. I left a letter taped onto a piece of earth that I bended out from the floor, behind the school this morning, the plan was to rush inside like usual, put on something decent and hop out of my window. Then Tenya would hopefully be facing the side of the letter and I'd meet him there, confess and hopefully not die of embarrassment in the process!

It's foolproof! I hope...

I noticed Tenya looking nervous as the class returned to the dorms. I made my way upstairs and got dressed up, a simple dress, and converse.

Finally, i opened my window and slowed down my fall with my air quirk, bless my quirk. I made my way to the corner and peaked around. And there he was, right where I wanted him.

Love Letter ││ Tenya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now