Isabella Tahir-Zimmerman

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Full Name
Isabella Nancy Tahir-Zimmerman

March 2, 2009

15 (as of 2024)


⭐️ Isabella is the second child & only daughter of Aaron T & Aaron Z.

⭐️ Her skin type is in between T & Z's. She has Z's hair color, T's hair type & T's eyes. She has freckles like her dads but like Z, they're more visible. She has medium size curly hair, her hair stops just a little below her shoulders and has a mixture of T and has Z's sense of style.

⭐️ She has Z's stoic nature and is outgoing like T.

⭐️ Just like Z, she gives the initial impression of shyness, but when she opens up, the personality of T soon starts to show like T, she doesn't hold back on saying what's on her mind.

⭐️ She's close with her older brother Dominic. As a kid, she would often boss him around.

⭐️ She's very athletic. Her main sport is gymnastics which is what she's into.

⭐️ She doesn't mind the media attention. As a kid she would pull funny faces at the paparazzi.

⭐️ She's the most extroverted out of her brothers.

⭐️ She loves acting. She would often put on shows and performances for the people in the house.

⭐️ She loves animals. Especially horses. She loves when Tae Young takes the kids to the zoo.

⭐️ She's can be a bit sassy. She has lots of Z's confidence and knows what she wants.

⭐️ Her favorite subject in school is English.

⭐️ He likes dancing. Like Z, he's a skilled dancer.

⭐️ Like T, he loves Disney movies.

⭐️ Her favorite movie is Princess & The Frog

⭐️ Her Favorite show is Glee

⭐️ Her favorite food is pizza

⭐️ Her favorite dessert is Cheesecake

⭐️ Her favorite Musical artist other than her dads, is Beyoncé

⭐️ As of 2024, she is an upcoming Sophomore at Brentwood School, East Campus. She goes to school with her older brother Dominic, who's a grade above. She also goes to school with Robaire & Tae Young's children, William who's a grade below and Zoey, who's two grades below. She'll soon be going to school with his brother Gabriel, & Louis who are going into 6th grade.

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