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Yan Jing's attention was all on Su Moxiu, completely ignoring Chu Qiyu.

But Chu Qiyu will not ignore the rules of Yan Jing.

Seeing Yan Jingze, Chu Qiyu's eyes became more gloomy. He squinted his eyes slightly, and said lightly when he looked at Yan Jing.

Yan Jing then set his gaze on Chu Qiyu, and then saw Chu Qiyu's face of contempt and disdain... It was really a bit owed.

Even the stone father behind Yan Jingze was uncomfortable seeing Chu Qiyu's expression: "How do you think of you!"

"Stupid." Chu Qiyu sneered looking at Father Shi, then turned and walked into the school gate.

Father Shi had a bad temper, and he became furious when he heard Chu Qiyu's words: "Which child is this! It's not plausible!"

"President Shi?" Su Moxiu walked over, apologizing, "President Shi, I'm sorry, my brother has a bad temper."

"You are..." Shifu looked at Su Moxiu hesitantly.

"My name is Su Moxiu." Su Moxiu stretched out his hand towards Father Shi.

Father Shi was surprised: "General Su of Henghai..."

"He is my father." Su Mo Xiu said.

Shifu held Su Moxiu's hand, embarrassed: "I just said casually, casually... Your brother is a talent, and it's not easy at first sight! Did my son offend him in school? Alas! My son Just a debt collector!"

Yan Jing said: "..." If it weren't for Su Moxiu here... Haha!

Yan Jing looked at Su Moxiu without blinking—his Ashiu was so handsome and had such a good temperament! Looks like a successful person!

Unexpectedly, in this world, Su Moxiu is actually older than him! The big ones are not just a little bit, but a lot!

Suddenly a little excited!

Su Moxiu was stared at by Yan Jing, and only felt that his body temperature had risen unconsciously: "President Shi is self-effacing, Ling Lang is a talented person, Long Zhang Fengzi. My brother is a bit out of sync at school, and I also hope that Lang Lang will be more than Haihan."

Shifu didn't know how he should react-this man said that his son is a talented person like Long Zhang Fengzi, is he sarcastic? It must be ironic, right?

But ridiculing his son, is it necessary to be so sincere?

Shi's father opened a small company in T City and made a lot of money. At least there is no problem for his son to study in a private school. Shi Chengying's family background, in W, should also be considered upper-middle.

But Shimother felt that her children could not get used to it and could not develop the habit of luxury, so she never bought expensive clothes and shoes for Shi Chengying, but bought ordinary ones, such as sneakers, which were basically two to three hundred pairs of this level.

In ordinary schools, everyone wears this way, so there is no problem, but in W... the students around Shi Chengying wear tens of thousands of shoes!

The students here are generally well educated and will not laugh at others, but they all think that Shi Chengying's family should have no money.

Chu Qiyu is different.

Chu Qiyu's father's surname is Su and his mother's surname is Chu. He follows his mother's surname.

That's it for his mother. His father is the founder and chairman of Henghai Group, and Henghai Group is one of the largest companies in T City!

Who met Chu Qiyu and didn't take a high look?

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