Chapter 1: Boomerang

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*The Day of Chay's Interview Exam*

Macau accompanied his friend, Som, to the music faculty of A-University that afternoon. Macau wasn't planning on attending because he would be going to the arts faculty for photography. He was simply there to support his friend.

"I'll wait for you out here." Macau stopped on the sidewalk and sipped on the last of his drink. "Good luck."

Som nodded and quickly ran off to two girls who would be his seniors.

Macau brought out his phone and unlocked it to find no new notifications. As per usual. As of lately, he felt the most alone, even when he was surrounded by people. Vegas and Gun were always up to something, and always left the boy out of the loop.

Macau wasn't dumb, he grew up in the mafia world. He knew that something was going on, but didn't dare ask. Vegas always tried to protect his brother by telling him not to worry. Gun only told Macau that "one day" he would get to take his place beside them, but that day wasn't soon. Even though he had recently turned 18, Gun didn't believe in him enough yet.

The boy grew up with barely any memory of his mother, and a new stepmom every other year. His nannies raised him as a child, and eventually the bodyguards took over. Macau learned where the major arteries were, how to throw a knife, and how to shoot a gun all by the age of 8.

Although he was extremely spoiled by everyone he knew (with the exception of the main family), he had a growing hole inside of him that he couldn't explain. He often tried to fill it with the love of his hobbies; photography, boxing, and video games. Even these things were starting to feel mundane, though. He was waiting for something to bring him true happiness. An adventure, if you will.

As he stood there in the shade from the trees, he thought about college. Maybe it would give him a better experience. Maybe it would be better than staying in his family's business. They didn't want him in it anyway. What use would he be if they didn't trust him?

He walked over to the trashcan to throw his cup away when he spotted something inside. Something that didn't belong there. An application. It was stored neatly in a plastic cover.

Who would go through such lengths to protect it, just to throw it away? He picked it up out of curiosity, but what struck him was the name, Porsché Kittisawasd. He knew that name.

*The Next School-Day*

Yes, Porchay was indeed a classmate at the same high school. Macau's memory was right. The boy was in the class next to his. Macau had seen him often, but they had never spoken before.

Macau held the application in his hand and made his way to Chay's class. He yawned, as it was a free period and he usually napped during this time. Any time he could he would squeeze in a little snooze.

To his surprise, Chay was inside even though everyone else was gone. The boy must've fallen asleep in the middle of doing homework, as his papers were right under his arms.

Upon moving closer, Macau could see a stream of drool coming from Chay's mouth and he giggled to himself. He thought about waking Chay up, but chose not to. What good would it do if the boy was so tired? He placed the application in Chay's open backpack that was on the floor beside the desk.

Macau thought that maybe having it magically appear would give Chay hope. The application wasn't turned in, therefore the boy never attended the interview. Macau thought it was a shame. It was a great school, so he wondered why Chay would toss it? He wanted to know why, but this is what he could do for now. Maybe he would see Chay attending university later on and think that it was worth it to do a good deed.

All of a sudden Chay's head started moving. Macau tiptoed as quickly as possible out of the room, only to look back at the boy still fast asleep.

"Macau!" Som spotted him and was rushing over, so Macau walked quickly towards him. Som's loud mouth would surely wake Chay up.

He put a finger to his mouth. "Shhh!"

Som looked around and whispered in fear. "What happened?"

Macau nudged him as he walked back to their classroom. "I'm right here, no need to yell."

*Over a Month Later-After Vegas Wakes Up*

Chay followed Porsche down the hallway in the hospital with three bodyguards trailing closely behind them. Porsche held a large bouquet of flowers in one hand and a briefcase in the other while Chay carried a basket of fruits.

The boy didn't care for visiting Vegas, but Porsche asked nicely and offered to make an outing of it. So there Chay was, walking to meet yet another member of the mafia.

It was all still new to him, but he was trying to get used to things. Porsche taking over the minor family was a big deal. It came with more responsibility...and danger.

Chay didn't like this new life, but he tried for his brother and mother who were in too deep. The boy felt like everything had changed overnight. Not to mention the one person whom he thought loved and cared for him was lying to him, using him, and finally broke his heart. He tried not to think about Kim as they reached the door to Vegas' room.

Porsche opened the door and Chay followed him in. They found only Vegas in the room, laying in bed all bandaged up.

"Long time no see." The smirk from the man sent an icy chill down Chay's spine. He set down the fruit on a table where Porsche had placed the flowers.

"So I take it you've been informed of all of the-uh-changes?"

Vegas nodded with a small smile. Porsche thought he would be mad, but it was looking like quite the opposite.

"You know you can still keep Gun's house th-"

"I don't want it." There was a hint of frustration in Vegas' voice. "We have a place to live already."

"Let me know if you need anything, then. Pete, too. Where is he?"

"He went to get food with Macau. They should be back any-"

The door swung open and in came Pete. "Oh, Porsche! You came!" Behind him was Macau, with salapao in each hand. Pete went to stand next to Vegas.

"I was just telling Vegas if you need anything to let me know. I brought by some documents for him to sign."

"Like what?" Pete was curious. Surely the main family didn't want anything to do with them.

Porsche glanced back at the boys. "Can we have some time alone?"

Chay nodded and made his way to the door while Macau stayed chewing on his food. Chay wondered what new thing was happening, while Macau knew they wouldn't be included.

"You go, too." Macau listened to his brother and followed Chay out to the hallway where he planted his butt in a chair.

To his surprise, Chay began to pace. It started slow, then he was practically walking laps in front of Macau. When the boy finally realized what he was doing, he stopped and sat next to Macau.

Macau was half-surprised that Chay was Porsche's brother. It made sense, he just didn't piece it together before. He raised his hand and offered his extra salapao to Chay all while scrolling through his phone.

Chay was startled, but slowly grabbed it. "Thank you."

As the boy was taking the first bite, Macau interrupted. "Get used to it."

"Used to what?"

"Getting left out of those conversations." He looked up from his phone and at Chay. "They'll tell you it's for your own good, but it won't ease your mind." Macau leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and began playing a game on his phone.

Chay chewed on his food and tilted his head to the side. He knew this guy's face from somewhere. "You look familiar. Do we go to the same school?"

Macau looked back at Chay and smirked. "We do."

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