Chapter 24: We Might Never Make It Out

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**Author's Notes: Extra Chapter this week! I'm coming close to the end, only a few more chapters to go. I'm writing like crazy, trying to get it all out and hope you enjoy 💜

Also- I don't know when their birthdays are so I'm making them up in here 😅 **

*Friday-February 3rd*

    Macau entered his dorm to find Chay sitting and reading on the futon in front of the window. "I'm baaaaccckkk." He threw his bag to the floor and hopped into his spot right next to the boy. "Whatcha reading?"

    Chay held the book up to just below his eyes, revealing the title. "Song of Achilles."

    "Oh? I thought you finished it?"

    "I got preoccupied with other books, but I'm going to finish it this week."

    Macau raised an eyebrow at the boy, who was clearly hiding the contents from him. "Well what's happening?" He tried to peek, but Chay closed it. "Why so shy na?" He poked at Chay, trying to get him to spill the beans.

    "They...made love." Chay pursed his lips into a shy smile.

    "What?" Macau tried to grab the book, but Chay pulled it farther away with his left arm.

    "It's not porn, stop it, " he warned playfully.

    "What? It can't be anything we haven't done before?" Chay hit Macau's chest as he leaned into him.

    "Behave. Or you won't get your birthday present."

    "You got me a present?" Macau's eyes lit up. Chay had given him things already, like new shoes and clothes, but not for his birthday which was the next day. He was saving something special. "Can I have it now? I'll be good, promise."

    "You have to wait for tomorrow. P'Vegas is throwing you that party, remember?"

    Ah, yes, the party that Macau didn't want. He hated surprises, so his brother told him as a heads-up. He would whip out his gun if anyone tried to startle him.

    "Fiiinnnneee." Macau slumped into the cushions. Then a thought came to mind. "I was going to get myself something today. Would you come with me?"

    "You're getting yourself a gift? That's not fair."

    "It's not something someone can just pick up."

    "What is it?"

    "Do you really want to see?"

    Chay nodded eagerly. What could be so special that he had to go in person to retrieve?


    "Here." Macau held Chay's hand as they stopped walking. They stood in front of a tattoo shop.

    "You're getting another tattoo?"

    "Mmm. I made an appointment a while back."

    "Can I...get one, too?" Macau smiled at the curious eyes that pleaded with him.

    "If you want."

    Macau was first, and he sat down shirtless facing Chay, fiddling with his hands. The needle and artist made their magic, pressing into the skin on the back of his shoulder.

    "It doesn't hurt?" Chay tried to peer over to see what it was, because Macau was keeping it a secret. Macau was so content and unmoved by the pain.


    Before they knew it, all the time had passed. The artist sat back, wiping away the ink and blood from the area. "All done."

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