Chapter 28: We Can Meet Again Somewhere

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**Author's Notes: As promised, the next chapter 🤲 As of now, my uploads will be sporadic and not scheduled because I'm almost done so no need to wait a week. 💜**

**TW: Guns/Violence/Blood**

Over the next two days Chay let Macau take care of him properly. He ate when he was supposed to, took showers without breaking down, and he could finally sit still without having his mind get the best of him. It was hard, but Macau was there every step of the way.

Macau cooked for him. Macau helped him wash up if he needed it. He held Chay's hand when he saw the boy zone out, and it brought Chay back piece by piece.

The boy was numb. His eyes couldn't cry anymore, as he had spent so many of his tears on the week before. He could hardly even remember what was going through his mind back then. He only knew that he had a clearer mind now, and he was going to use it to get him through things.

This particular day, they heard a knock at their door and Macau opened it to find Nop. "Khun Vegas requested your company in his office. Both of you."

They looked at each other before following Nop through the home. This was it. Vegas was going to send them away.

Nop opened the door for them and they walked in to find Vegas at the single seat, with Kim on one of the couches. The door closed behind them and Vegas set down two tickets and passports on the coffee table in front of him.

Just as they suspected.

"Be ready in two hours. You're going to Seoul tonight."

They knew it was coming, but they had mixed feelings. "What's going on?" Macau looked at his brother and cousin, but they didn't change their expressions.

"I brought in reinforcements. Kinn found out what Korn did. The main family is divided right now and it's the perfect time to act."

"P'..." Macau didn't even want to ask if Vegas was planning on joining him, because he knew his brother would refuse.

"You'll be taken to the airport. Don't waste time. Just get on the plane, no looking back."

"Keep the burner phone." The only words Kim spoke. The only words that gave the boys some hope that the two would see them again.

The boys left the office for the two cousins to plan.

Macau felt heavy. A cold sensation ran through his body knowing that this situation was dire. Vegas might never make it out.

One family was split up. Two cousins who had lost the loves of their lives would be fighting against each other again. This time, they were prepared to fight for what they had left. Their sanity was withered away surely, and that was never good when it came to these things.

"Are you hungry?"

"Mm-mm." Chay couldn't eat at a time like this. He ate lunch that day at least, so it would hold him over. His stomach was in knots, and he felt like the food might come back up soon. He sat on the couch, laying down and pulling a pillow close to his chest. "I think I just need to rest."

Macau grabbed the blanket that was hung on the arm of the couch and laid it over the boy. He turned on the TV to some random show and set the remote next to Chay's head. "I'm going to finish the laundry. I'll be right back."

Chay nodded as Macau pet his head. He would've helped if he could stand to, but he was preparing himself mentally.

Macau picked the dry laundry up and took it to their room, where he began folding and sorting everything.

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