Chapter 12: Call Me Friend but Keep Me Closer

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Chay's hands moved higher, brushing against Macau's skin and clothes up to his shoulders where they stopped. How far could the boys go on the dancefloor? No one was paying attention. The lights were dim, with flashing strobe lights not helping anything. It was barely enough to see what was going on a foot away.

The world stopped for them.

Macau watched Chay lift his head up. He couldn't shake the image of Chay looking through those lashes to find Macau and Macau only. Chay's eyes were only for him even though they were surrounded by people in every direction.

Macau couldn't believe it was happening. He would've pinched himself if the feeling of Chay's hands weren't so real. Macau took one last glance into Chay's eyes, those pleading, consuming brown eyes, before he leaned in.

Chay was lost, or more so found in that time. He found what he needed, and what he desperately wanted. He used his hands to hold himself on Macau's shoulders as the space between them disappeared.

"'Cau!" Som's voice rang out right before Macau was jolted backwards.

Macau would've stood his ground if he wasn't so distracted, but he quickly came back to reality. "Huh?"

"What are you doing? We have some stuff in the room you might like." Som flashed a grin at his friend.

"We're fine out here." Chay was still standing there, in shock and still flustered.

"I'm going to the restroom really quick." Chay turned on his heels and made his way to the back of the club.

"Som, read the room." Macau flicked off Som's hands from his arms.

"Read it? It looks like everyone wants to have fun! Come on, take some stuff with me," Som pouted, but Macau was unwavering.

Macau saw the pills in Som's hands, but they brought back old memories of his old life. "No, I'm busy. And watch yourself around Nam, he can't be trusted."

"Why? We've always been cool with him."

"Trust me. He's bad news." Macau shooed Som away and walked off through the crowd.

Meanwhile, Chay was in the empty restroom, patting down his face with a tissue, then fanning himself with it. "Whew..." The feeling of Macau's hands lingered on his body, making the boy gulp. "... Oh boy..."

Chay had to remember that they were only friends. He had to think about what this would do to their friendship that he cherished so much. He also didn't want a repeat of before... If he were to lose Macau's because of his feelings, it would devastate Chay. This was for the better. Yeah. That's all he had to tell himself.

"Have we met before?" Chay's eyes shifted in the mirror to a man standing behind him. Nam.

"Umm... No?" The boy wasn't sure what to do except for deny everything and get away. Just as Chay made his way to the door, Nam extended his arm out to block him.

"You're that pretty boy that came with your high school friends!" Chay flinched at Nam's movements. "Why didn't you say anything? Hey, we've got some fun stuff in my private room. Come check it out."

"Oh, no thank you... I should be getting back to-"
Before Chay could move an inch Nam had his hands on the boy's shoulders, pushing him back a bit.

"Come onnnnn... It'll be fun."

Chay couldn't stand the sight of this guy, and Nam was really pushing it. The boy was as generous as he could be. "I said no."

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