Chapter 2: Accepted

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**Adding 2 chapters because Ta and Barcode were so cute at their event today 🥰 had to put these out there-will update a week from now**

    On a calm and quiet day, Pete brought the mail in and Macau leapt to grab the envelopes. "Hey!" Pete wasn't able to put them down before the boy snatched them from his hands.

    Macau walked around with a piece of bread sticking out of his mouth, tossing each letter that he didn't care for behind him.

    "Macau!" Pete trailed behind him, picking them up one by one. He was stopped abruptly by his face in the boy's leg. He suddenly witnessed the bread fall to the floor next to them. "What are you-"

    "I did it!" Macau turned around in one hop as Pete stood up. "I got in!" Macau waved the letter in Pete's face and shouted out loud as he danced around.

    Pete grabbed the paper from him as Macau continued to shout around in the house. Sure enough, it was an acceptance letter. Macau ran back into the dining room excitedly panting.

    "Where's P'? I want to show him."

    "He went to work today so he'll be home late." Macau's eyes dropped, as did his smile, but the boy tried to hold back his disappointment. Pete quickly perked up and put his hand on Macau's shoulder. "Why don't we go celebrate? Just the two of us now, and we can surprise Vegas later?"

    That did the trick, as the boy looked up and smiled at his new in-law. "Really?"

    Pete laughed at Macau's smug grin. The boy knew he was spoiled, and Pete was the one who did it the most. "Yes, I'll take you to your favorite restaurant. Go get dressed." Pete gave him a pat on the head with the mail and watched as he rushed off.


    Just as they were receiving their plates of food, Macau realized there was one in a third spot at the table. "Oh, there's just us two ton-"

    "Leave it," Pete interrupted, smiling at the waiter then back at Macau who was visibly confused.

    "You thought I'd miss this?" Macau turned around in his seat to find his brother walking up to them.

    "You made it?" The excited expression on the boy made Vegas smile.

    "Congratulations!" He hugged Macau from behind, messing up the boy's hair in the process. "Pa would've been proud of you." Vegas lifted off and sat next to Pete.

    Although Macau was smiling, inside he knew it wasn't true. Gun was never proud of him or Vegas, and it was quite clear since the time he was a child. If he ever shared his accomplishments, Gun would make it seem like nothing, like he had to do better. If Macau was ever hurt or sick, Gun would tell him to "man up." If the boy even spoke about his hobbies, Gun would tell him he should be doing something else to bring pride to the family name.

    Vegas was the one who showed pride in Macau, who always listened to his problems and tended to his wounds inside and out. The only time both of them showed interest in him at the same time was when he would train with the guards. It brought the boy hope that someday he could be what they both wanted him to become.

    After Gun's death, Macau realized that he was so exhausted. Exhausted from trying to gain his father's love and tired of trying to live up to Vegas. He was tired of pretending to be someone he wasn't. He only cried at the funeral because it felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

    Macau applied for college in hopes of making his own way out of the mafia life eventually. It was the start of his new life. It was his chance to break free from he burden of the family name and do his own thing. He realized that Vegas would be there for him regardless. He even had Pete, who was a blessing to them in their time of need. Macau finally had hope that he would find the life he dreamed of.


    Chay still didn't know how his college application made its way back to him. It could've easily been Kim, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind.

    He saw the reappearing application as a sign. A sign to move forward despite his worries. Would he be good enough? Would he be okay seeing Kim at school everyday? Would he be safe now that Porsche was the head of the minor family?  The unanswered questions gave Chay anxiety that he was dying to be released from.

    The day he received his acceptance letter, Porsche was staying at work late. There was no one else Chay wanted to share his news with. Maybe his mother, but it was already the afternoon and she seemed tired that day.
    Being around his mother, Chay felt like he could never get the relationship that he wanted. As much as it felt good to see her, she was still gone from his life more than she was there. He was missing a connection like Porsche had with her. Chay felt bad for feeling this way, but he couldn't help it, and it only added to his stress.

    Chay had opened the letter as he was on his way to the main family's building where he resided. With it still in his hand, he entered and expected to go up to his room to relax.

    "Not so fast!" Tankhun appeared from behind him and swiped the paper from the boy's hands. "Porché!" A loud gasp was sucked in from the man, causing Arm and Pol to rush over to see what happened.

    "Oh, P'..." Chay turned around to face him.

    "This deserves a celebration! We need to bring out the wine tonight!"

    "What's the occasion?" They were all surprised to see Kinn approaching them.

    Tankhun waved the paper in his brother's face, causing Kinn to grab it just to read it. "Look! He's been accepted into the university! He can have wine, can't he?"

    A smile appeared on Kinn's face as he looked from the paper to Chay. "Of course. Have you told your brother yet?"

    "No, I just found out."

    "How about we surprise him, then?"


    Porsche came home late as usual, but this time was different. He wasn't greeted by his loving family. Not Chay, or Kinn, or even Tankhun. At least one of them would be ready to see him even that late at night. Something was strange, but he shook the feeling off as he made his way to the condo.

    As he reached the door he could hear music and cheering. Many voices rang out and he realized that everyone was right there.

    "Oi! What's going on?" It wasn't his birthday, or Kinn's, or anyone's for that matter. Anniversary? It was too soon.

    When he opened the door there were balloons and streamers hanging everywhere, with food and desserts scattered across the table. Everyone was talking and laughing with drinks in their hands, including Chay. When they realized the door had opened, they all simultaneously cheered towards him.


    Chay came forward and stopped in front of him with a small smile, then handed him the letter. Porsche saw the school's name at the top and skimmed over it quickly, as if his life depended on it. He knew it was an acceptance letter, but wanted to  see the words for himself before he could let out tears of joy.


    "Hia, I'm going to university. It's official, I-" Before the boy could finish, Porsche's arms were wrapped tightly around him, squeezing the life out of him.

    "I'm so proud of you..."

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