Chapter 25: The Kids Aren't Alright

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**Author's Notes: Another extra chapter this week! This chapter contains a spoiler from the most recently released VegasPete chapter, I added some minor details in it.**

**TW: Guns/Violence/Blood**

Chay didn't ask questions when Macau wanted to leave, because he knew being around his family wasn't his favorite thing. So they made their way back to Macau's dorm to finally relax.

    Chay assumed Macau was only exhausted from having to socialize so much, so he didn't ask. Macau was still thinking twice about telling Chay anything. What if Vegas was right? That nothing bad would happen? But what if...?

    "Are you ready for your present?" Chay hopped in front of Macau.

    "My present?" He forgot that Chay hadn't given him one yet. He smiled when he remembered. "Mmm. Can I have it now? I was good right?"

    Chay rushed to the closet and pulled out a simple black box, handing it over eagerly. "Here. Open it!"

    "Where did you hide this?" Macau looked over at the closet, wondering how he never came across it.

    "Don't worry about that, just open it." Chay pushed it more towards Macau further.

    Macau listened, lifting the top to find something he really didn't expect. An old Polaroid camera. One of the first models. "What?! How did you find this?!" He took it out of the box carefully, completely amazed at the object he had always wanted but never told anyone.

    "I had some help." Tankhun was able to find anything in the world, and would do anything Chay asked. "Do you like it?"

    "I love it!"

    "Good, I had to ask Tankhun for help, because I checked all of the shops in Bangkok I'm sure. I made sure to fill it and had someone make sure it was the real deal. I thought since you-"


    The sudden sound surprised Chay and he froze on the spot. "Did you just-?"

    "You're so cute when you're rambling." Macau smiled cheesily and took the photo from the front.

    "Wait! Let me see!" Chay reached out, but Macau held it far away.

    "It's not ready!" He fanned it in the air, trying to speed up the process, and was successful. He stopped to admire the cute picture he took. "There we go."

    Chay peeked over his shoulder, sighing in relief that he didn't look like a total goofball. "Oh." Instead, he found the dark aura around him to be quite nice and flattering.

    Macau went straight to his desk, set the camera down and whipped out a sharpie to write on the front. It read, '19th B-Day w/Chay ♡.' He used a thumbtack to pin it to his cork board above his desk. "There. We should go to Pattaya soon and take more. Like on the be-"


    Macau turned to find Chay with the camera, smiling as he pulled the picture from the front. "Got ya!" He waved it and grabbed the sharpie next, writing on under the picture, 'A Place I Call Home.'


    Chay knew something was up with Macau that next week. He had been quiet at times, often staring into space or zoning out at random times. They sat at Khun Lan's restaurant, in the middle of dinner when Macau was doing it again while swirling his spoon in the rice on his plate.

    "Macau. Is something wrong?" Chay couldn't help but let his insecurities get to him. He didn't want history to repeat itself. Not with Macau, who he'd grown to love and trust so much.

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