Chapter 4: Unexpected Alliance

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*Write a little extra-Chapter 5 will be added Saturday 😊*

Macau walked downstairs to the smell of food that Saturday morning. Unfortunately, he didn't see any food on the table. He was sure his sense of smell wasn't teasing him. "P'?"

He was about to go into the kitchen when Pete and Vegas came through the doorway with plates of food. "Breakfast is ready!" Pete smiled at the boy and sat a tray of food at the table.

Macau's eyes focused in on the two. Pete's hair was disheveled, his shirt unbuttoned at the top, and his lips were blush red. Vegas, on the other hand, had forgotten to pull up his zipper.

The thought of them doing things next to his food gave him shudders. "Again?" He whined. "I think I'll just grab something on the way to the gym." He turned around to leave.

"Not so fast!" Macau turned around to face Vegas, but wasn't sure what to expect. "You never gave me details about what happened yesterday. So...?"

"Soooo...what?" His brother never disciplined him before, so surely he wouldn't be too mad.

"Are you and Chay friends?"

"We're old schoolmates. That's it."

"You just stumbled across it?"

"Mmm," he said proudly. "Took them down quick."

"Good job." Vegas gave him a wink.



Porsche scolded Chay's guard, and appointed two new ones, Mino and Sud to watch over his brother. Although, nothing took away the pain from hearing Chay yell at him. Chay only spoke the truth, and Porsche felt guilty.

Porsche ordered Mino and Sud with even more tasks than Wan had. They were to not leave the school and follow Chay around wherever he went. Not to mention they would report everything he did to Porsche. Chay was irritated more than ever, as he felt smothered.

At least things at school hadn't changed. He could at least enjoy himself there without them breathing down his neck. They just had to follow the tracker on his new phone.

Chay took the time during lunch to figure out all of the new features on the newest model. He noticed that Kim was sitting with their classmates, and decided not to stay there. As much as he wanted to scold Kim, he didn't want to deal with the heartbreak anymore. He snuck away with a bag of chips and a drink.

The boy walked outside for once, and looked around the courtyard for a free spot. That's when he noticed a familiar head of hair at a table under some trees. Macau was fully asleep next to his bag. The closer Chay got, the more he could hear soft coos from Macau.

"Macau..." No answer. Chay leaned over. "Macau..." This guy was a really heavy sleeper. Chay gave up and sat next to him. He would just wait and play with his phone.

Little did Chay know, Macau was awake as soon as he heard his name the first time. He peeked through his lashes to see Chay munching on some chips and playing on his phone. He wondered why the boy was there, sitting next to him of all people. Wasn't he warned by the major family to stay away? They hated Macau and Vegas, so shouldn't Chay listen to them?

Either way, Macau was amused. He slowly stretched out and yawned as if he was barely waking up. "Hey track star! When did you get here?" Macau rested his smiling face in the palm of his hand as he leaned his elbow onto the table.

Chay was caught off guard by the way Macau faced him. "Oh, uh, just now. Also, I'm sorry about Friday." He didn't know why he chose to sit there, but what he said was the truth. He felt sorry for how Macau was treated.

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