Death 💀

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Sarutobi's Funeral

​​​​​​I️ woke up in my bed sore from the fighting. I remembered some parts but couldn't remember anything after being smacked against a tree. I️ rubbed my head and looked around. Outside my window, rain clouds began to form. I️ remembered that the seal was almost broken and pulled down my blanket to see the minor toma marks. Still there...

"Was it a dream? Have I️ been asleep?" There was a soft knock on my door. I got up and opened it. Kakashi sensei was in all black.



*Flashback End*

I looked down and then back up at him. His eyes were full of sadness. "Why are you dressed in black? Is everyone okay? Naruto? Sakura? Sasuke?" I panicked.

Kakashi shook his head, "The third Hokage has passed on." My eyes widened in complete shock as I gazed at him. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quickly lowered my head, letting my bangs shield my face.

"I'll get ready and meet you all there..."I shut the door softly behind me and made my way to the dresser, slipping into a black kimono. My reflection in the mirror revealed eyes filled with darkness, and a heavy weariness weighed down my body. I touched my face in the mirror, then swiftly struck the glass. Shards scattered across the floor, and blood seeped from my wounded knuckles. I glanced down, strangely disconnected from the pain, and watched it for a few moments. Eventually, I wrapped up my hand and continued my slow, numb walk.

Flashback 6 Yrs Old

"​​​​​​Daddy!!" My hair flowed from side to side as I️ skipped my way to Kakashi. He looked back, and instead of slouching, he stood up tall at the sound of my voice. I️ tilted my head and puffed my cheeks, "Daddy? Why do you stay out here a lot?"

He looked at me and back at the KIA stone. "Well, my friend's names are on this stone." I️ looked really close to see the names of thousands of people. Innocent and full of curiosity, I bombarded them with countless questions that day, utterly baffled by the enigmatic stone's mysteries.

"Daddy? Where are your friends?" He appeared to be holding his breath, carefully choosing his words to convey the message to a young girl. I tilted my head upside down, gazing up at his thoughtful expression as he stared at the ground and then shifted his attention to me. He tousled my hair and gestured to the ground, prompting me to sit. I obediently took my seat and turned my attention to the sky, patiently awaiting his response. Impatiently, I glanced over at him and playfully poked his cheek when he remained silent. He met my gaze, and my cheeks puffed out in a cute pout. "Daadddy! You're supposed to tell me..."

"The people on this stone, my friends, aren't here anymore." Still confused and not understanding, I️ asked, "Wellll, where are they?" Without turning towards me, he simply pointed upwards.

"In the sky?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "They were killed in action Hikari..." My smile faded, replaced by a sudden clarity that swept away my confusion.

"Daddy your friends are dead?"

"To be as blunt about it? Yes." Guilt gnawed at me, and I turned away, anxiously twiddling my fingers. I couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer, so I mustered the courage to ask how and why.

"Daddy? How? How did your friends die?" He shifted his gaze back to the rock, and after a thoughtful pause, he turned his eyes towards the sky. In a somber tone, he began to recount the story of how he had acquired his Sharingan from a man named Obito, someone who had been akin to Naruto. He shared the painful memory of accidentally causing Rin's death during a mission while using his Chidori. As he spoke, I sat there quietly, my father's reassuring pat on his back offering support.

"Daddy?? There in a better place... right? Like my mommy and daddy?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Yes, they are all in a better place watching." I️ laughed as he began to tickle me to lighten the mood. "Also, Hikari, please call me Kakashi. I know I am more a less a father figure, but I cannot replace your parents. Okay?" I nodded and put my head down.

"But you're still a daddy to me, right??"

He smiled. "Yes, Hikari. In a way, you could say I'm like a father figure to you. Now, go on, little one."

Present Day

As we all gathered in Konoha, anticipation hung heavy in the air, awaiting the ceremony dedicated to Sarutobi. I kept my eyes low, stealing glances to my left and right at Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. A somber atmosphere gripped us all, etching solemn expressions on their faces. Yet, it was Konohamaru who stood out the most in my eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks, an uncontainable torrent of grief. I hung my head even lower, desperate to shield my emotions from prying eyes. The weather mirrored our sorrow, starting with a drizzle that suddenly turned into a downpour, as if the heavens themselves wept along with us.

Are you crying, Lord Hokage?

"Now, for the presentation of the village. Please come up one at a time and pay your respect to Lord Hokage."

We formed a solemn procession, each person making way for the next to approach and place a single rose on Sarutobi's grave in tribute to his memory. Slowly, it became our turn, and I began to walk towards the grave. I was second to last in line, with Naruto following me as the final participant. The weight of anticipation and realization pressed upon me. I stood in front of the photo of the Third Hokage, gazing at the sea of roses that adorned his resting place.

I️ don't know if I was ever a great ninja to you. I️ remember our little walks around town. I️ remember the stops at the Dango shop. I remember riding on your back. I remember laughing as you chased Naruto and me around, ensuring we weren't causing mischief. I️ remember every mission you gave me, telling me to be careful. I️ just hope you rest easy and that there is no more pain for you to be felt.

As I placed the rose on the grave, I noticed a drop of blood staining the once-white petals. I must have been gripping it tightly, and the thorns had pierced my skin. But in that moment, the pain seemed insignificant. I continued to walk away, allowing Naruto to pay his respects. Standing next to Sakura, I could see her looking down at the small wound, the crimson drop trickling onto the ground.

She began to whisper to me, "Hikari, are you okay? You're bleeding."

I️ looked down at my hand and then at her, "I've been hurt way worse than this. I'll be okay... Thank you for asking." She smiled, and then everyone was dismissed.

Afterward, we waited for Naruto to join us. The gloomy demeanor that had shrouded the yellow-haired ninja had given way to his usual self—full of energy and enthusiasm. Naruto sprinted toward us with a wide grin on his face, embodying the resilient spirit that Sarutobi had instilled in all of us.

"Whats up Naruto? Are you feeling okay?" I️ felt his forehead to see if he was warm.

"Yea, what's with the sudden burst of energy?" Sakura chipped in. Sasuke said nothing. He just stared at our interactions. Kakashi was looking at all of us, and he smiled under his mask.

"I'm ready! I'm ready to train and become Hokage one day! Believe it!" I️ took him into my arms and hugged him really hard knowing that despite this hurtful day he still wanted to become Hokage.

"Hikari, I️ can't... I️ can't breathe!" As Naruto's face began to turn blue, I quickly glanced at him and then reluctantly released my grip, allowing him to continue his playful antics.

"Sorry!" I️ winked and said with my tongue sticking out.

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