Stars ⭐️

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First, there was light, and then there was darkness. I remember playing with my little stuffed animal bunny when a loud crash was heard downstairs. I heard my father screaming in pain and footsteps running up the stairs. My mom threw the door open and shut the lights off.

"Mommy? What's going on?"

I said in a soft voice staring at my mother's horrified face. There was no time to spare; she quickly took me in her arms and ran to her room.

"Do as I say, hide under the bed, and no matter what happens, don't come out. Okay?" I nodded as she went to lock the bedroom door. "Mommy loves you very much." I felt her long black hair touch my cheek and her lips touch my forehead. "Now go hide under the bed and don't make a sound." She motioned me along, and I obeyed. I saw my mom's hair start to turn as white as the moon. The door slammed open, and I saw multiple feet surrounding my mother.

"Where's the girl?"

I heard the booming sound of a man's voice. "I sent her away... She's gone." My mom said with a low solemn voice.

My mother and the man were now standing in the room, staring each other down. "So, you sent your daughter out there alone? She won't survive..." My mother just stood there and didn't speak. I saw a bright light flash, and the man was thrown across the room. I saw his face for a few moments. One red eye and black hair. In seconds my mom was above me, thrown on the bed gasping for air.

"Tell me where she is."

"I-I t-told you she g-gone." My mom croaked out.

I heard the man scoff, and then there was a slicing sound through the air and silence. I wanted it all to be a dream, but then reality hit when I felt a hot liquid dripping on my face. I look up seeing a red stain forming on the bed above me. I saw the man's feet at the edge of the bed and quickly latched myself to the top of the bed frame, concealing my chakra as my mom taught me. He quickly looked under the bed and saw nothing. I heard the guy sigh and walk towards the door. I felt the blood seeping onto my face as I saw all of them leave. I waited for what seemed like hours before I started to let out a slight weep. I let go of the bed frame and held my bunny tightly in my arms. All I could do was wait and listen. I heard yelling, screaming, and crying from outside. I listened till there was nothing more than the whistling wind. I curled up in a fetal position and cried.

Two days later...

I was lying on the floor with little to no emotion on my face. I was afraid they were still around and didn't want to get caught. I was hungry, sleepy, and thirsty but refused to move from my spot under the bed. Then, I heard the front door downstairs open, and I immediately tensed up. I looked at my once black hair, which turned white like my mother's. I heard the footsteps veering closer, and then the door creaked open. I saw a set of three feet.

I heard what sounded like a radio.

"The whole village is massacred. What should we do now?"

"Are there no survivors? No one to help?"

When I heard the word "help," I let out a small whimper. A pair of feet came closer to the bed, and I saw a man with white hair look directly at me.

"I found one...and she looks like the girl you are looking for." He reached his hand out to me. I was terrified, so I flinched away and just stared at him with wide fearful eyes. "You don't have to be afraid... we won't hurt you." He sounded muffled, and I noticed he had a mask on. I was still trying to grasp everything that happened, and these people didn't seem bad. I crawled towards him. I saw my mother's corpse before the man cradled me, facing away from my mother so I couldn't see anything. But the smell of blood lingered. Tears began flowing down my cheeks.

"I don't want you to see your mother in the condition she's in right now. You've probably already seen too much." I nodded and let out small whimpers.

My hair was slowly turning back to its jet-black color, and then a puff of smoke surrounded the man and me. I was now outside the village in the forest. He set me down for just a moment and looked at me.

"What's your name?"

I stood there, unable to speak. My lips felt glued together from the thirst I was feeling. I️ felt my eyes begin to feel fuzzy, and then I️ hit the floor very hard. Then there was darkness.


AUTHOR NOTE (10/23/2023) *** Going forward, I want everyone to know, in this story I am attempting to make my character just as OP as Naruto and Sasuke. She will have struggles and I do need to clean up the story a little. Last year I was taking my finals for school and some of the discrepancies slipped through the cracks. That being said, this story has evolved for YEARS. I had this idea since about 2013 but was afraid to write back then. I was super conscious about putting it out there, I started off with this actually being an Itachi x OC. It then changed to Gaara and then at one point it was Naruto himself. Thats why some things don't make sense, I skimmed past everything and changed things up so many times. That being said, this VERY VERY SMALL scrub is going to help you, the reader, understand more and be able to follow along. 

If you aren't into the whole OP, pretty female character trope... I would leave. I wanted my character to be everything I am not in real life. The only thing I made her similar to me is my outlook on life and the way I talk in real life. I am trying my best to make Sasuke and his mannerisms a little better as well. I know he doesn't speak much in the anime, but I also have to base his mannerisms off of what I know and what would sound better for him in parts he isn't being seen on- screen in the anime. 

There will be things like abilities changed earlier on to later on in the second part of the part I wrote. The character and I are growing together in this. I hope for those who have already read some of this you can go back and read or ask me questions and I'll answer them. :) 

Last note, NONE of the pictures are mine, I want to give credit to those artists and if there is any kind of issue with me using them, please let me know and I will take them down as soon as the issue is brought up. I am going to attempt to draw my own OC later on and put them above. Hopefully I can get good with the style of Masashi Kishimoto because I would like pictures of my character and Sasuke hold each other or even interacting with each other but no promises because I cant draw well and I have to practice for that >..<'

Village Hidden in the Stars: Sasuke X OCWhere stories live. Discover now