Another Uchiha ☁️

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One Week Later

After training for a week and coming to bed late, I️ felt like seeing what Naruto was up to. I️ got up, did my regular routine, dressed, and started to head out. I was getting this weird feeling, almost as if the air shifted. The morning fog began to decrease, and I️ finally ate the last of my bread. I️ tried to find Naruto EVERYWHERE, and I️ started to get worried. That is until I️ heard him at Icharaku's Ramen Shop in the distance. I️ sighed in relief. 

No reason to be on edge. Everything is fine!

I️ glanced at my money bag and had enough to buy him and myself ramen just in case. I️ walked up behind him and placed my long black hair on either side of him, acting as if he had hair.

"Hikari-Chan! I'm glad you're here!" He rubbed his head, "I️ was wondering if you can... ya know... help pay for—"He moved his headband ever so slightly, and a free ramen ticket came out.

I️ giggled because he was oblivious to it. "I️ wouldn't mind, Naruto, but I️ think you can get a bowl for free with this?" I️ held the ticket in my hand, "It fell from your headband, silly." He blinked back tears, taking it from me with a soft touch before passing it to the guy. I shifted my gaze to the countertop and raised one finger, letting him know I wanted my regular order. We were both digging into our food, and he was deep into a conversation about training. I was totally absorbed in what he was saying when, out of nowhere, I heard the faintest tinkling of bells. He must have picked up on my sudden change in demeanor because suddenly, he was right there, inches from my face, his eyes locked onto mine, which totally caught me off guard. I panicked, my cheeks turning a fiery shade of red, and I tried to scoot back, but my chair betrayed me, and I ended up tumbling backward onto the floor.

"Naruto!!!" I️ puffed up my cheeks and started to laugh loudly. He came down and helped me back up from the ground.

"Sorry, Hikari... What's the deal? You looked like you'd seen a ghost!" I️ shook my head and looked around before sitting back in my chair.

"I-it's probably nothing." We continued eating, and Naruto started to tell the ramen shop owner how he was training really hard, and I️ was surprised when he looked at me and asked to.

"And you? Are you training hard too?" I️ nodded my head while still slurping some noodles. Just then, the man filled both of our plates up. I️ was surprised, as this isn't a regular occurrence, but Naruto looked confused and happy simultaneously.

"If you two are training, you need all the energy." He smiled, and I️ kindly bowed my head before mixing the noodles. Just then, a bell sound came again, this startled me, and I️ was on edge.

"Welcome!" I️ looked at Naruto before looking at the man with white hair and red markings on his face.

"Just as they said. You're just eating ramen." The guy glanced my way and held my gaze for a moment, his eyes lingering on me.

"Pervy Sage!" My eyes had slight dread from the name I just heard.

Pervy Sage? Pervy??  My eyebrow twitched a few times, and the man started to defend himself.

"Will you stop calling me that? You made the beautiful girl beside you think I'm some Perv!!"

Naruto took another big slurp of ramen and pointed his chopstick at him accusingly, "That's because you are! You peep at girls all the time!!"

Beautiful girl? Did he mean me? My face flushed a deep shade of crimson, and I felt like I was about to faint. Images of all those moments I'd been at the bathhouse this month, with that eerie sensation of eyes on me, flashed through my mind. Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, I turned my head away, hoping to distract myself, and resumed eating.

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