Queen of the Underworld

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Ai looked out to the hall filled with gods and food. Kagura had received an invite to Kamiarizuki, an annual meeting of the gods where they would discuss the destiny of the upcoming year. Kagura was reluctant to go but however, after some convincing by her, Shiro and Akito, he soon conceded and they all ended up going. Ai had a fun time so far, with meeting all of the Gods and shrine mikos, priests and priestesses in the Izumo Grand Shrine. 

But Ai focused back onto the speech Izanagi was giving out. He was welcoming everyone and thanking them for making the trip. Soon a priest rung the bell, signalling all of the Gods to eat the food in front of them.

Soon, a loud crackling sound came from outside. 

"What was—" Akito soon was interrupted. 

The door swung open and Ai saw a figure that made her stomach drop. 

"Akanojaku?!" Ai belted out. 

The memories of him soon all flashed in Ai's head. How he terrorised her town and tried to burn it all to the ground, how he inflicted a curse onto Kagura that made him feel pain for 500 years, how he left Shiro to die, how he killed all of Akito's pack, all of his deals he made to her so she could become his plaything and he'd get to do whatever he wanted to her and how they killed him. 

Akanojaku's gaze soon found Ai immediately and he gave out a teeth-baring smile.

"Hello, Ai." Akanojaku darkly said.

Akanojaku soon made his way towards Ai but three figures got into his way. 

"Step away from her!" Kagura shouted out.

"If you think you can have her, you got another thing coming!" Shirogitsune snarled.

"We won't let you have her!" Akito growled. 

"How are you here?! We all killed you!" Ai yelled.

"Did you truly think I would give up on you, Ai? As if I'd let a trifle like death stop me!" Akanojaku smirked, "After you and your friends so kindly purified me and sent me to Yomi... All I had to do to escape was to make a deal." 

There was a noise at the door and all of the Gods soon hushed. A tall, pale woman with sharp red eyes and long black hair soon entered in the hall. A shiver ran down everyone's spines as her geta sandals clicked underfoot.

Izanagi soon gasped, "Izanami?!"

Akanojaku soon tilted his head in acknowledgement, "Thanks to my experience breaking free of that accursed cave, I was able to help the lady of Yomi escape the land of the dead. And in exchange, she would grant me everything I ever wanted—an eternity with Ai."

"WHAT?!" Ai, Kagura, Shirogitsune and Akito blurted.

Akanojaku soon looked over at Izanami, who stayed motionless, staring daggers at Izanagi. Her eyes were as red as blood and every muscle stayed still as a board.

"I grant you nothing until Izanagi is dead!" Izanami countered.

She soon raised her hand into the air and strange shapes sprung out of the shadows and surrounded the table. It was shikome, the undead hags that chased Izanagi after he found Izanami in the underworld.

"I have waited long enough!" Izanami gave a maniacal grin, "Now... at long last... I will have my revenge!"

With a horrible squeal, the shikome soon descended upon the assembled gods.

The hall quickly erupted into chaos and one of the priests runs in and soon started to wave people out. Kagura soon grabbed Ai's arm and ran out of the hall with Shirogitsune and Akito following after him. When they went outside, the sky had been filled with dark clouds making thunder and lightning.

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