The Battle

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That night, Ai was unable to sleep. She felt exhausted and fatigued. She decided to walk around the shrine grounds to try and clear her head. 

As she walked, Takako's energy surrounded the shrine in an almost warm breeze. As Ai walked around the shrine, everything reminded Ai of Takako. From the floors they used to sweep together, to the archery range where Takako taught Ai to shoot arrows.

'When I first came here, she welcomed me with open arms, even though I had just broken the bell and floor...' Ai thought.

She walked down the sando, admiring the clean and tidiness of it all.

'She took such good care of this place... As well as the people in it...' Ai thought.

She turned around the corner and she caught a glimpse of movement and Ai felt a bit scared despite the shrine being protected. The figure soon approached.

"Ai? What are you doing up?" Akito asked. 

"Oh, Akito, it's just you!" Ai gave a sigh of relief. 

Akito stepped into the light, smiling at Ai.

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Akito smiled. 

"Mhm." Ai nodded, "I know I should but... It's hard to not think about it..." 

"Me too." Akito agreed, "No matter where I go, something reminds me of her."

"Yeah, I feel the same." Ai replied.

"Before tomorrow, I was going to light some incense for her spirit." Akito stated, "Would you like to join me?"

Ai nodded with a small smile, "That would be wonderful, Akito. I wouldn't be imposing, now?" 

Akito shook his head, "Of course not! I am sure Takako would be glad to have you!"

Akito and Ai soon went into the main hall and kneeled in front of the incense cauldron. Akito struck a match and soon lit a stick of incense and sat it vertically on the sand. The smoke soon filled the room and Akito and Ai clasped their hands together and closed their eyes.

"Thank you for everything, Takako." Ai smiled, "And I hope you are resting peacefully right now."

Akito was also murmuring his own prayer. After a while, Ai soon finished her prayer and opened her eyes and unclasped her hands and laid them onto her thighs. The incense was halfway through burning and Ai breathed in the smoke. It smelled of sandalwood, abundant and familiar.

"We'll miss you, Takako." Akito whispered. 

Ai reached out for his hand and took it in hers.

"Even though she's gone, her spirit is still within the shrine." Ai reassured, "Like you said, everything reminds us of her."

Akito sighed with tears in his eyes, "You're right... She may not be with us in person but she's still with us in spirit. She left a legacy in this shrine and our safety today was her final gift."

Akito squeezed Ai's hands, "But... I just don't know how we're going to go on without her... She was a pillar in the shrine." 

Ai nodded in return, "I know. Not that I ever plan on replacing her but... She wasn't going to be here forever, you know? I think she was doing her best to help prepare us before she..."

Akito nodded back, "Of course she was. And she succeeded. That's what family does for each other." 

Akito and Ai sat there, holding each other hands and staring at each other in a bittersweet mood. They both feel Takako's presence descend upon them like a blanket. 

True Meaning of Love | Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine Season 2 RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now