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Despite having to rest up for the journey to Shirogitsune's village, Ai found it hard to make herself go to bed. So she decided to waste her energy by going for a midnight stroll through the inn and seeing if that worked.

The inn was silent and empty which was an unfamiliar sight for the usual bustling lobby and hallways. While Ai was walking, she soon saw a faint glow and heard distant talking.

"63... 64... 65... 66..." The distant muttering echoed.

Curious, Ai walked over to where it came from. She was soon greeted by the sight of Akanojaku doing pull-ups on the one of the rafters.

"Akanojaku?" Ai raised an eyebrow.

Akanojaku soon turned his head and he soon dropped to the ground. 

"What are you doing up so late?" Ai asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Akanojaku replied.

Ai soon crossed her arms in a shy manner, reluctant to have a conversation with the demon.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walk." Ai answered.

Ai soon glanced up at the rafter he was hanging from. 

"And I am guessing you were working out." Ai stated.

"I still have to stay in shape." Akanojaku replied, "Izanami is not only a powerful witch, she's a skilled fighter. I will not fall to her because I failed to prepare."

"I see." Ai nodded.

Ai soon thought about how Akanojaku apparently apologised to Akito and Shirogitsune.

"And on a different topic..." Ai stated, "Is it true that you apologised to Shiro and Akito?" 

Akanojaku was startled by Ai's bluntness. 

"Yes, I did. What of it?" Akanojaku replied.

"Nothing... I was just surprised when I heard it. It just seemed... nice of you." Ai blushed, "It's a side of you I never knew was there." 

"Well... On the topic of that... I need to apologise to you as well." Akanojaku stated. 

"Hm?" Ai's eyes widened.

"I... I have done so many awful actions towards you... I was so ignorant of your own feelings. I was so concerned with my own that I never took into account of what you wanted. And I can see what that has wrought... Pain and suffering that made no one happy." Akanojaku genuinely spoke.

"Akanojaku..." Ai mumbled. 

Akanojaku soon glanced at Ai in the eye.

"Do you want to know why I wanted you so bad?" Akanojaku asked.

Ai thought for a bit. She soon nodded out of curiosity. 

"When I was trapped inside of the cave that Kagura sealed myself inside in... I became so lonely... I was stuck inside a prison with no one else... No one to talk to... No one to even see. Just stuck there with nothing but my own lonely thoughts. I don't know when but I began to have visions of you... Of us... Holding each other near and spending time together outside of that cave. Soon, that became my reason get out of that wretched cave. Once I successfully escaped my prison, and then I saw you... It seemed like it was fate that brought us together... For us to have each other in our arms and live our lives together..." Akanojaku explained solemnly with a hint of hope in his voice.

"So did you ever actually fall in love with me because of my personality?" Ai asked. 

"Not initially since I only had visions of us but once I got to meet you and spend time with you... I did fall in love with your personality." Akanojaku's cheeks soon turned the same colour of his bright red hair, "Your bravery... That you would come to my time and then have the impudence to lie and then stab me with your arrow. Your kindness towards others... That you'd do all of that for your friends and loved ones... Your backbone... That you don't put up with whatever treatment that deals with you the way you don't want to... All those little traits I got to see of you just bewitched me more... I know that these words are in all likelihood just meaningless and insulting for you."

True Meaning of Love | Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine Season 2 RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now