Helping Out Izumo

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A few days later, Kagura and Ai were in their room after having breakfast. 

'Although I have been busy trying to keep myself busy, I am feeling frustrated at doing nothing while the others patrol and fight off Izanami's shikome.' Ai thought, 'And I've come up with an idea on how to help out.'

"Kagura, I have a request!' Ai confidently grinned.

Kagura arched a brow, surprised at Ai's upbeat tone.

"What is it?" Kagura inquired.

"I'd like for you to come with me to go to Izumo Grand Shrine!" Ai solicited. 

Kagura's eyes widened and he sucked in a breath, "What? Don't be ridiculous. It's much too dangerous."

Ai soon took a deep breath and prepared to launch her devised counterarguments. 

"If Izanami really intended to return to the shrine, she would've done it already. Besides as a miko, I have a duty to help assess the damage and rebuild the shrine." Ai opposed.

Kagura frowned, "You aren't a priestess of Izumo. Your duty is to me and our shrine."

"But things are connected, Kagura." Ai added, "Come on, please... It's your duty too. Don't you want to help them rebuild? Izumo is an important shrine for all the gods in Japan. As a member of the pantheon, don't you have a duty to restore it?" 

Kagura sighed, "I suppose you have a point. Very well. I shall accompany you as requested."

That afternoon, Kagura and Ai rode out to Izumo where they found the priests and miko cleaning up after Izanami's attack. One of the priestesses that Ai became friendly with ran up to Kagura and Ai with a concerned expression.

"Kagura-sama! Ai!" Megumi exclaimed, "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine—we were just came to see if there's anything help you with. After that terrible attack, there must be something we can do." 

Megumi nodded thoughtfully, "Well, luckily none of the buildings were too badly damaged. We're focusing on building the shrine's spiritual wards back up. And it wouldn't hurt to have a few extra hands." 

Megumi soon gave Kagura a deep bow before ushering Ai and Kagura to a group of priestesses who were repairing a shimenawa rope. Kagura and Ai soon worked alongside them for a while, fixing up the rope. After an hour, one of the priests walked up to them and bowed.

"Kagura-sama, Ai. There's another matter we'd like your assistance with." The priest requested. 

Kagura soon nodded in return.

"A short walk from the shrine, there is a well, Manai no Shimizu. The water there is sacred and we usually use it to purify our tools." The priest held out two buckets of water, "Can we make you fetch some water for us? The power of the water is sure to be amplified if it's fetched by a god himself."

Kagura and Ai agreed. The priest soon gave the directions to where the well was and they soon took the buckets and set off, walking through a quiet, residential neighbourhood. As they walked, Ai couldn't help but notice how the priests and priestesses were treating Kagura in their prescence.

"Do you wish I was more formal?" Ai said.

Kagura stopped in his tracks, startled by Ai's statement.

"What?" Kagura blurted.

"I mean, as your miko..." Ai elaborated, "Shouldn't I be bowing to you more often and calling you 'Kagura-sama'?" 

Kagura gave a quiet chuckle, "I suppose you should. But that doesn't mean it's what I would prefer."

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