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Kagura stopped and turned. He stopped walking for a moment before turning around and started to pace back and forth.

"I think I understand why you're so upset." Ai remarked, "You're the only one who truly understands the danger Izanami presents. The other gods... They think they might understand but you still remember what it's like to be human. I know you see your former life as a weakness, but it's actually a strength."

Kagura huffed and clenched his fists, "For all of the good it does to me. Understanding the plight of humanity will not help me save them—save you." 

Kagura soon turned to Ai, with an open expression, "Should Izanami try to harm you... Should she even lay a finger upon you, I will destroy her." 

Ai was surprised by his cold and harsh promise.

"Kagura..." Ai walked up to him, "I feel the same way. Were Izanami to come after you, I'd do anything to keep you safe. And that doesn't apply to just you, it also applies to Shiro and Akito. You all have the desire to protect others, especially the people you love, is a beautiful thing and I want to do the same for all of you."

Kagura widened his eyes. "I must confess... I had never thought about it that way. You are my shrine maiden and I had always known it was my duty to protect you. But to think that you might be responsible for my safety..."

"Of course, it is." Ai replied, "We're friends, Kagura. It's a mutual exchange—we both protect one another. If it wasn't then you'd be more like a bodyguard than a friend. After all, if you're protecting me then who's going to protect you?" 

Kagura soon considered her words, "You're right. We both look out for each other, because that's what friends do." 

"Now, let's get back to that meeting, we don't want to delay everyone." Ai stated.

Kagura nodded.

"But please, try to be civil to Akanojaku." Ai added, "Don't get me wrong, I hate him just as much as you do. But we won't get anywhere with you two arguing and that'll just stifle our progress with this disaster."

"I..." Kagura took a pause, "I understand." 

Kagura and Ai soon returned to Izanagi's room and took a seat.

Izanagi places his hands on the table, "Now, to return to the matter of Izanami... Her power has exponentially since becoming Queen of the Underworld. We must act quickly to seal her away again. Now, I do have a plan. Are you all familiar with Amenonuhaku, the heavenly spear?"

"That's what you and Izanami used to create the islands of Japan, right?" Akito replied.

Izanagi nodded, "I suspect it's the only weapon powerful enough to defeat her. Unfortunately, it fell into the sea and was lost some time ago."

Shirogitsune propped his hands into his chin, looking thoughtful.

"A spear, you say..." Shirogitsune spoke, "In the kitsune village where I grew up, there were legends of a spear hidden on the seafloor nearby."

"Was anyone able to find it?" Kagura asked.

Shiro shook his head and soon laid back, content to leave it at that. Akanojaku soon looked at Shirogitsune, with a bit of a shocked and confused expression with a hint of sympathy.

'A kitsune village...' Ai thought, 'I never heard of Shiro talking about his home before. I wonder what it's like?'

There was a long silence before Izanagi set down his cup with a decisive clink.

"Tenuous though it may be, this seems to be the best lead we have." Izanagi stated.

"I agree." Kagura nodded, "Shirogitsune, you shall travel to the village and retrieve the spear."

True Meaning of Love | Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine Season 2 RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now