Love is...

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Kagura and Ai stared at each other with shocked gazes. But they soon sprung into action frantically getting dressed as the cries of the shikome urged them to go faster. In the hall, they ran into Izanagi and the others. Shirogitsune look terrified, his face was paler than snow.

"I didn't think they could track us here..." Shirogitsune fretted.

"It isn't your fault, Shirogitsune." Izanagi reassured.

"He's right, set it away from your mind, Shiro." Kagura added, "For now, we have to focus on the battle at hand."

Everyone soon stepped outside and saw the wall of shikome outside stretching out to the horizon.

"There's so many of them..." Ai gulped.

Izanagi, Akito, Kagura and Shirogitsune leapt into battle but Akanojaku stayed back. He soon lifted his hand to the sky and called out.

"My brethren! Heed my call!" Akanojaku yelled.

Soon, Akanojaku's army of demons were summoned and were all behind him, looking bloodthirsty and aggressive as Ai remembered them.

"Shred them to bits!" Akanojaku commanded.

The demons soon howled and they all charged at the shikome. Akanojaku smiled at Ai before launching himself into battle.

Soon, the other gods poured out of the door and one of them tossed a bow and quiver of arrows to Ai. She caught them and soon surveyed the battlefield. She soon heard two familiar people shouting from a distance. She looked to see Akito and Shirogitsune struggling to fight against a swarm of shikome.

Ai soon quickly withdrew an arrow and nocked it onto her bow. She soon aimed it at the shikome. She took a deep breath and focused her spiritual energy into her arrow, just like Takako taught her. She soon let go of the arrow and watched it soar through the air. It striked one of the shikome in the shoulder and the shikome wailed and disappeared in a burst of light but the arrow didn't stop there. Guided by Ai's energy, the arrow kept piercing through other nearby shikome.

"Yes!" Ai smiled.

Shirogitsune soon glanced up at Ai on top of the hill and gave her a smile as a thank you and then went back to fighting.

Although she helped take out some of them, Shirogitsune and Akito were still surrounded by shikome and Ai took out another arrow and shot it at the shikome. This time, the arrow takes out a side of the shikome and Akito and Shirogitsune were soon able to take out the rest of them.

Ai soon ran down the hill to them, relieved that they were okay.

"Are you alright?!" Ai asked.

Akito wiped the sweat off his forehead and smiled at Ai.

"Yeah, thanks to you!" Akito thanked, "That was some good shooting!"

"You might even say we were in something of a pinch before you came along..." Shirogitsune teased, "Although, I am sure Kagura would have a few words with us about putting his miko in danger."

Akito laughed, "I am sure Kagura needs to learn that Ai can hold more than her own in battle! But with that being said, I think you need to stay with us rather than running off on your own."

"What do you say, Ai?" Shirogitsune queried, "Shall we fight these shikome as a formidable trio?"

"Sure, sounds good!" Ai replied.

Shirogitsune grinned and then turned to look at the battlefield. Although everyone has been fighting for some time now, the horde still looks like as it did before.

True Meaning of Love | Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine Season 2 RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now