Making Plans

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Soon all of the gods were called to a meeting to discuss on where to go and what to do. Izanagi was seated at the head of the table, chin in hand. Akanojaku was standing at the doorway, staring at the ground, lost in thought. Kagura, Akito, Shirogitsune and Ai were all scowling at him back.

"Izanagi, what should we do with the demon?" A god asked, "Should we get rid of him because of what he did with Izanami?"

"No." Izanagi replied, "I don't think he should be blamed for all of this."

"What?!" Kagura stood up from his seat, "But he let Izanami escape the underworld! We wouldn't be in this catastrophe had it not been for him!"

"My wife can be... difficult... As Shirogitsune said, he was betrayed. It doesn't surprise me that she would attempt to trick him either." Izanagi stated.

"But, sir!" Ai also objected as well, "Do you not know what he has done to me and my friends? This isn't a matter of manipulation! He'd do this regardless of Izanami!"

"I understand your concerns, but we have other more important matters to discuss." Izanagi commented, "Right now, we are not safe in Izumo any longer, and we need to find sanctuary before anything else."

"We could go to my home at Ise, Father." Amaterasu spoke up.

"While Ise Grand Shrine is certainly large enough, it's also the next place Izanami would look. No, there must be someplace better..." 

"May I suggest something?" Shirogitsune spoke up, "Our party has been staying at a ryokan run by a friend of mine. If I explain the situation, I have no doubt he'll accommodate us."

Kagura soon nodded, "The inn is located near the bridge between the human and yokai realms, so it shouldn't be easy for Izanami to find."

Izanagi nodded thoughtfully, "An excellent idea. Kagura, if you would... Lead the way."

The logistics take some time to organise but eventually, all the eight million gods and Akanojaku arrive at the inn.

Kyo soon dropped his jaw at the line of gods building.

"You've got to be kidding me." Kyo directed at Shirogitsune.

"I know, I know, but there's a good reason—" Shirogitsune waved his hands.

"Eight million guests, Shiro?!" Kyo barked. 

Izanagi stepped forward and bowed deeply. He soon explained the situation, Kyo nodded with a sigh.

"Fine, I guess I can find the room." Kyo groaned, "But don't expect any special treatment, got it? Guests with reservations will always take priority at Sankiya Inn."

The gods mill about in the lobby as Kyo started to divvy up the rooms, pairing up guests as best as he can. Luckily most of the gods were happy to share, but it wasn't true with everyone.

"Where do I sleep?" Akanojaku asked.

"You can sleep in the stables for all I care." Kagura scowled.

Akanojaku soon looked over at Ai, "Wo—"

"Don't even think about sharing with me." Ai added. 

Akanojaku soon spotted Shirogitsune and he soon walked over to him, "Hello, old friend."

"What?" Shirogitsune angrily asked Akanojaku.

"Here's the situation. I need a room but I have no money. You're the closest person I am here with. Could you please share with me?" Akanojaku pleaded with Shirogitsune.

Shirogitsune soon glowered, "You've got some audacity to think that I'll let you into my room." 

"Please, I have nowhere else to go to." Akanojaku begged. 

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