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A-lan:so do your siblings always follow you around or..

You: no they are just protective of me that's all

A-lan:I see

You: yeahh it's just a thing for them to know where I am every second of the day but it's alright

A-lan:oh well I hope that does not happen today because your brother looks like he wants to eat me

You: trust me he won't when I'm around you so just don't shatter my heart


You: like don't hurt me emotionality

A-lan:I will never I wouldn't forgive my self knowing we are soulmates

You: wait what

*he hits his knee and your knee starts to hurt to*

You: that's a coincidence
*he bangs his arm on the wall an you feel your arm hurt*

You: we really are soulmate
*you yell as you hug him and kiss him*

You: oh i- that's was um-

A-an:it is ok that's a kiss from what zed told me and I enjoyed it

You: hmm you enjoyed it
*you whisper to yourself *

A-lan:what was that

You: oh um nothing. *you smile and grab his hand an lead him to a big rock*

A-lan:why exactly are we here

You: to climb it and sit

A-lan:no it's ok I will stay down here while it is safe but you can climb just be careful

You: I'm always careful

A-lan:if you say so
*you look offended an start to climb an once you get to the top you stand on it and look down at A-lan*

You: God your short
*you laugh*

A-lan:get back your to close to the edge

Wyatt:what are you doing up there

You:don't worry about it

Wyatt:are you here with A-lan
You:no I'm-
*you fall but don't feel your feet hit the ground and see a force shield under you*

*he running over to you*
*you get down and jump into A-lan arms and hug him*

You:that would have been-
*you get interrupted by Wyatt pulling you off
A-lan and puts you on his shoulders *

Wyatt:no boyfriends and y/n get away from this blue freak and stop stop staring at my sister

A-lan:she is my soulmate

Wyatt:yeah whatever
*you hit Wyatt back*

You:bruh you did that for what

Wyatt:your to young to date

You:bro im  4 months younger than you chill out

Wyatt:I don't care your not ready to date until your 30 and that's final


Wyatt:and your grounded

You:you can not ground me
*you laugh*

Wyatt:watch me
*he walks into the house and locks you in your room*

You:you piece of-


You:leave me alone

A-lan:did I start a argument between you and your brother
*he says standings behind you*

You:how did you even

A-lan:teleportation by alien technology

You:that's cool

A-lan:and since we are soulmates I can just teleport to you when ever

You:oh that's so cool
*you say excitedly *

Wyatt:who are you talking to
You:no one

Wyatt:anyways the pack is going out tonight stay in your room
*you mock him and hear him leave*

A-lan:grab my hand

You:sure but why

A-lan:to teleport you out side so we can go to the mother ship
*you take his hand and get beamed up to the mothership *

You:wowwww this is so cool

A-lan:yeah it is huh

You:so why did you want me up here

A-lan:I want o be your official boyfriend or significant other
*he says proudly with a smile*

You:sure I would love for you to be my boyfriend or significant other
*you smile back and he picks you up and spin you*

A-lan:sorry my emotion got the best of me

You:no it's totally fine but I do have to go because it's dark so I'll see you later ok

*he hugs you good bye and you get beamed down*

You:damn it's already darkish

Word count:710

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