Bus stop

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(This is going to be kind of short)
⚠️ little bit of strong language⚠️


"GET UP Y/N we are at the bus stop now and apparently you can eat here to and you did say you were hungry!" A-lan exclaims. "Okay okay i'm up" you sit up.He drags you off the bus after everyone gets off the bus you all go inside.

"Listen up people we will meet in this very spot in 20 minutes okay have fun everyone!" Addison cheers. Everyone split different ways with their partners. "So where should we eat" a-lan turns to face you. "You want me to pick" you ask him surprised. "Definitely whatever you eat I'll eat" he gives you a warm smile. "Okay what about" you trail off while looking around . "Chick-fil-A" you suggest.
"If that's what you want sure !" He takes your hand. You guide him into the restaurant and wait in line.

You notice the couple infront of you are arguing so you listen quietly but not to suspicious. "I don't want you to pick what I eat I am a grown women I don't need you to choose" the lady whisper shouts at the man who you assume to be her husband. "You're already gaining weight all I'm asking you to do is lose it because it's unattractive." he shouts back at her. "Um excuse Me" they draw they're attention to you.

"She is absolutely correct she is infact a grown women and doe not need your opinion about he body you are her husband boyfriend or spouse her weight is none of your business neither it is mine that's her body not yours worry about your own weight instead of hers because I can see your gut pericing thorough your shirt and sir might I tell you jealously is not a good luck on you." You roll your eyes at him and cross your arms across your chest."I'm sorry but when I need your opinion I'll ask and mind your business and stay in a child's place." He leans down to your height glaring at you.
"And when she needs a opinion she'll ask to."

"Sir you need to get your bitch bro" he looks at a-lan."she is not that word you just said she is me girlfriend legally but wife mentally and physically so let's shake hands and go on about our day. " a-lan says with a cocky smile on his face. " what ever bro." The dude rolls his eyes. A-lan rubs his hands together and shakes the man hand but the man goes flying into a table.
"Thank you so much for helping me" the lady thanks you too. "No problem I just dont think he has a say so on what you do with your body." A-lan nods in a agreement with you.

YOU GUYS WALK out with your food (whatever you usually order there) and get back to your seats. "So I'm your wife mentally but not physically that's just breaks my heart A-lan " you give him playful smirk. "My apologies was I not supposed to say it" he looks at the floor. "I'm your wife regardless legal or imaginary" you smile and he smiles back while taking one of your fries and eats it without you noticing. "Okay everyone we are back on the rode to college" addison cheers and sits back down as the bus move.

Word count:568

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