After party

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*you get to the house by walking with A-lan and the aceys greet you at the door*

Jacey:that dress looks stunning on you

A-lan:I see he has a relationship with you but what kind

You:oh we are just friends nothing more plus he does need another nose job


Jacey:my nose is perfectly fine
*he walks away dramatically as you and the other aceys laugh*

*you yell after him*

You:shall we
*you hold your arm out for him to take*

a-lan:yes we shall ma'am
*he gives you a confused look and takes your arm anyways and you guys immediately and I mean IMMEDIATELY get embraced with hugs and loud LOUD music*

You:at this rate we all are going to the z patrol station
*you laugh*

Bree:I'm so glad you guys could make it and Addison is asking for you and your date
*she winks at you *

You:oh my Bree okay

*you drag A-lan through the crowd and finally see Addison and your friends*

Addison:come on we're gonna play  truth or dare
*she takes your hand and drags you to the circle as you drag a-lan with you and you two sit by each other in the circle*

Buckey:okay y/n truth or dare

You:um how about dare

Buckey:oh okay I dare you to let the new girl aliah throw cake in your face but first turn around

You:what who is she
*you turn around and you get greeted by cake in your face and you stand up*

Wylinana:I know....I know she didn't just
*she gets up*
Wylinana:girl don't make me
A-li:stay calm y/n can handle it
Wylinana: your right...your right
*she sits back down*

Aliah:how does the cake taste
*she says with a smirk*

You:delicious you should try some
*you pounce  on her and start shoving the rest of the cake in her face along with a couple of punches but now you two are rolling around on the ground and you still end up on top of her A-lan tries to pull you off her but you have tight grip on her hair so a-lan and Wyatt pull you off her*

Zed:are you okay y/n
*he panics*

You:yeah I'm fine and I'm calm

A-lan:are you sure

You:yes see you can let me go now


*they set you down and aliah puts that stupid smirk back on her face*

You:watch me wipe that smirk off your face
*you push a-lan and Wyatt on the ground and pounce on aliah again but this time zed zombies out and grabs you by the waist to pull you off her(not like that tho)*

You:okay I'm done I'm done
*you lift your hand in defense and go to the bathroom*

You:just wait until I get my hands-

A-lan:get your hands on what

*you scream and jump back but calm down once you see it's A-lan*

You:oh it's just you and look I'm sorry for pushing you and Wyatt on the ground but in my defense she started it first I just you know finished it
*you hold up your hands full of icing*

A-lan:I accept your apology because I know it wasn't intentional but you are very feisty and have a very short temper
*he gives you a scared look*

You:oh no I won't ever do that to you maybe Wyatt but definitely not you I mean you don't get on my nerves but Wyatt does with that older brother thing and it's so annoying and it like every second of the day he does this overprotective thing and it's kinda Aggravating but I know he mean well and like to night she really set my temper off because you know but  I always try to stay the calm wolf and that didn't work out to well and I-
*you stop and look at Alan and realize your over sharing again*

A-lan:keep going I'm listening

You:I can't because I'm over sharing to much sorry but we gotta go back to the party plus I'm a clean again kinda
*you give a awkward smile*
You:uh maybe we should get back with everyone
*you break the silence*

A-lan:did I mention you look so pretty tonight I mean you look pretty all the time not to sound like a creep or anything

You:don't worry I get it and I know what you mean thank you A-lan
*you kiss him on his cheek and drag him out the bathroom back to the circle*

You:do you still want to party or

A-lan: oh i-
*he gets interrupted by a-spen*

A-spen:um willa I like you actually I love you

Willa:I love you to a-spen

A-spen:you are so kind
*they hug Willa kind of tightly *

You:a-spen she needs to breath

A-spen:right my apologies

Willa:no it's okay I promise but will you be my significant other

A-spen:you may
*they smile at her*
(A-spen and terry pro nouns are they/them)

A-lan:as I was saying before a-spen almost suffocated their girlfriend if you want to go home I could always walk you home you know for your safety

You:mhm and you definitely want to stay at this party

A-lan:yeah I want to stay at this party
*he says trying to sound convincing *
A-lan:why would I not I'm definitely not going to be loney
*trying to convince himself maybe because it's definitely not convincing you*

You:yeah uh huh
*you put your hand on your hip and examine him*

A-lan:yes I want to walk you home and no I don't want to stay here let's just go

You:I knew it

A-lan:yeah yeah just come on
*he grabs your hand and drags you out the door this time*

You:woah slow your roll mister

A-lan:I did not expect to be here right now with you but hey atleast all of us are going to mountain college right

You:right and I did not expect to get a boyfriend really but hey I got one and I'm happy with him to

A-lan:you guys have taught me so much about the human species your emotions and everything it's really fascinating

You:well I'm glad you find us interesting
*you laugh as you guys walk on the sand*

A-lan:you humans really thought we wanted to take over the world I can not believe it
*he laughs*

You:I mean you guys did cause a little destruction energy surge as you would call it
*you giggle at him*

Random:is that her

Random2:take the boy with her

You:what who are you

A-lan:why are you taking-

*you guys see a a mist and black out*

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