A-lan being romantic ??

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(you wake up to see you are not in your bed as you panic to get up but all your memories from last night comes flooding into your head as you calm down as you feel a pair of hands pull you back down onto the bed but you don't scream once you realize it's a-lan's hand but as he is still asleep)

"OKAY MABYE I won't get up just yet because someone has other plans." you whispered and lightly laugh but soft enough to not wake up a-lan.you see the door open as two familiar aliens walk in "Has he not woken up yet ?" a-li asked with a slight annoyed look on her face as she sees the sleeping alien still sleeping peacefully in bed. "No he has not yet is he a light sleeper or heavy sleeper because, some how he felt me get up but he was still asleep ?" you say with a confused look.

"Neither I think aliens still have their senses when they're sleep see he even knows we are in the room with him even tho he is sleep that is why he knew you got up it's just the alien way."
A-spen says as they give you a bright smile
"Noted." you say as you smile at them
"Give him a few seconds he might wake up then hopefully." A-li says as she walks out the room and a-spen trailing right behind her.

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"WHEN DID you get here ?" a-lan says as he sits up and lets you go. "Um see I kinda fell asleep here I mean you told me I could" you give him a reassuring smile."did we- never mind y/n I'm not going to ask." he gives you a light chuckle.

"yeah um I do think we need to get up because it's probably the evening right now so let's get up." you say as you get up pulling a-lan up with you."You are one strong lady but not stronger than me." he picks you up with one hand to prove his point. "Point proven huh" you roll your eyes jokingly as he nods.

"Okay lovebirds get up we have to start packing for college if you two don't mind and me and a-spen get to see our girlfriends today!" A-li says with one of the biggest smile on her face
"Me too I am also excited !"she has a even bigger smile on her face. "Chop chop we don't have all utopia come on." a-li says with another attitude.

You and a-lan follow behind them as they walk out the room. "I don't have regular human clothes like you but, you can have my utopia jacket addison made for us!" "okay that's better than nothing." you laugh. He puts his jacket around you(you have on sweat pants and a t shirt on). "Okay I'll see you when we all meet up to leave college okay."you stand on the beam thing."okay n/n see you" he kiss your cheek and you get beamed down into your living room

"You're already switching sides on us ?" Wyatt jokes as he comes from the kitchen.
"Team utopia all day every day." you joke back with a playful glare.
"Soo how was you and a-lan night did you use protection?" Willla gives you a stern look
"Ew no what we didn't do anything all we did was sleep in the same bed and not like that weirdos." you give them a gross look.

"You did what !" Wyatt yells. "Atleast SHES not pregnant." wynter snaps back at him. "But I wouldn't mind being a auntie you know." wylinana says gives you a playful wink. "You guys need therapy." you laugh at them "we need to pack for college guys start packing please." Willa walks upstairs. "A-spen must be doing something right." you and Wyatt laughs as you and him high five each other. "GO PACK NOW." She yells sternly from her room.
"Yes ma'am" you and Wyatt say as you three walk to your rooms.

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YOU FINSH packing and bring your 5 suitcases down the stairs as you flop onto the couch out of tiredness. "You cant be that tired now?" Wyatt questions you. "fine you carry them to the bus Mr Superman." you roll your eyes at him. "I will then" he says proudly and grabs them and he actually does put them on the private bus with everyone else luggage.

"Wait you actually listen to me" you put your hands over your heart in a sarcastic way "shut up" he walks back up to his room. "Okay I think that's everything guys we just have to go to the moonstone to meet everyone with the bus at like 10:00 pm. But it's only 5:27 pm" wynter says "okay 'mom' don't worry" you laugh. "Just letting everyone know" she smiles at you

"um so will we all be like in the same dorm building?" you question."well from what I've heard it's 4 people in each room but yes we are all in the same building and floors" wyliana says. "okay that's better than what I expected is the Same gender type stuff or?" you asked more interested. "No they mix the genders up so it could be all boys or 3 girls one boy or 2 boys one girl you know that type of thing." she gives you a genuine smile.

"Okay see yeah that's makes more sense." you laugh."Alright girl I gotta go meet up with a-li okay." wylinana hugs you and leaves the house.
"That's remind me I do have to go see a-spen to I need to catch up to her." Willa walks out the door. "I might as well go to " you shrug and follow them. You get beamed up along with them and you guys part your separate ways to the different rooms.

You knock on the door. But no one answers
"A-Lan went out to go get fl- oh I'm not supposed to say anything I love you y/n but I can't girlie!" mothership says. "Oh no hard feelings mothership I understand" you nod respectfully."were you asking mothership about me" you turn around and see A-lan behind you with flowers and a teddy bear
(A/n:omg im so jealous of y'all🥲)

"So that's why mothership was being secretive I should have know." you mentally face palm your self. "Do you not like the chocolate you look kids disappointed?" His smile drop
"No it's not you I'm disappointed in myself for being very clueless but I love the flowers and teddy bear imma bring it with me to college" you grab the items out his hand and walk into his room and set it on his space desk?. "Oh no gravity" you push the button and everything starts floating in the air. "Y/N!" You hear Willa scream but it sounds distant.

"How she know it's me it could have been anyone else but yeah blame it on me." you roll your eyes and fly or float your way over to her. "What"you give her attitude "stop messing with random buttons and it's time for us to get on the bush it's 9:40 let's go." She starts to float to the beam area.

"hey aleins we gotta go come on the bus is about to leave" "right behind you" a-lan and the rest pop up Behind you. A-spen puts the gravity back on and you fall on a-lan but he use his field thing to catch both of you but you get up quickly and help a-lan up and walk towards the beamers and y'all get beamed by the bus."is that everyone here let's get this show on the road people" Addison says very preppy.

Everyone gets on the bus you and a-lan sit next to each other in the very back row of the bus a-li and wylinana next to you guys, a-spen and Willa in front of you guys, zed and Addison next to them,bonzo and Bree in front of them, Wyatt and Eliza next to them. The rest sit in the front.

"I'm so nervous about college."You say texting your head on a-lan shoulder(you are sitting by the window and a-lan is sitting on the outside) "don't be this college you speak of might actually be fun." He tries to cheer you up."you might be right but I'm tired so imma just take a nap" you close your eyes still leaning on his shoulder but he has his arms wrapped around you basically holding you while you take a nap. "She snores so loud but it's cute." He smiles down at you.
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YOU WAKE UP still in the bus and it's still night.
"I'm hungry." You say with a empty stomach
"Addison says we going to reach a bus stop soon so maybe you can get something to eat there." A-lan sits you up wiping the drool from you that got on his fingers on his shirt"sorry about that." You give him a awkward kinda embarrassed smile. "No it's all good I really don't mind" he gives you a reassuring smile.

A/n: I told you guys I got you 🤭

Word count: 1575

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