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Theyre like 10-11 in this, bear with me. Also, this was kinda inspired, by that i mean the 'Abandoned warehouse' is just inspired by an author on ao3 by the name of scarakazuuu

also you can just see this as platonic


Dazai had a big grin on his face as he looked at Fyodor with glee in his eyes

"Let's go to the park! please Fedya?"

"I am reading, Dazai."

"Your bible can wait Fedya! Please please please???"

Dazai begged, his mouth forming a pout, looking at Fyodor, glee still in his eyes.

"The Lord cannot wait, Dazai."

"Is your bible really more important than me???? your amazing bestfriend?????"

Fyodor then looked up from his bible, his face blank as he looked at Dazai.

"I do not think you should address yourself as 'amazing', you are quiet annoying."

Dazai furrowed his eyebrows, offended that Fyodor called him annoying, he wasn't annoying! He was enthusiastic, theres a clear difference.

"How dare you say that to your only bestfriend Fedya! I might aswell go there alone!" Dazai said, huffing in annoyance that his bestfriend wont come with him to the park.

Fyodor then shut his book, sighing as he looked up at Dazai, face still blank as ever

"Fine. Why do you even want to go to the park?"

"Because i'm bored and you wont give me attention because you were so focused on your stupid book!"

Dazai said as he crossed his arms, Fyodor gave him a deadpanned expression as he sighed again and got up, and then dusting himself off.

"Tsk, you are such a brat sometimes. But, i will comply with you this time, although i still do want to continue reading my bible after this."

Dazai's eyes lit up as he smiled, his white teeth showing, he then grabbed Fyodor's arm and dragged him out of the abandoned warehouse

"Alright then! Lets go, Fedya!"

Fyodor let himself be dragged and he let out a small smile.

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