kyuu meets dazai's bf!!! (modern au)

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kyuu didnt know what to feel or how to feel about their brother's (as much as they hate calling them brother thats the only word that can describe what dazai is to them) boyfriend, he was strange and always smiled they didnt like it, it creeped them out but he was very nice to them

It was kinda strange how he looked a little bit of mori, from his hair to his eyes and thats basically it he was also russian which was cool i guess, his voice was quiet soothing and he also had the same intelligence as dazai which was scary

when they first met it was well i dont really know how to describe it

dazai had just gotten home and he brought someone with him

"kyuu~ youre here early! did you get home fine?" dazai's annoying voice piercing kyuu's ears as they stopped drawing on the table, they looked at the direction of where dazai was they saw someone else with their brother, he looked eerily like mori

"yeah.. whos that?" kyuu curiously asked, looking at dazai's friend (they only assume although kyuu quiet doubts theyre friends since dazai is an annoying person to even try and get along with), they shake the thought away as kyuu waits for an answer

dazai smiles and introduces the newcomer in their house, "well, this is my boyfriend, fyodor! fyodor meet kyuu, my little sibling i have another one but shes probably with mori-san right now" he also makes exaggerated hand gestures from kyuu to fyodor

kyuu stares stunned at dazai

he got a boyfriend? their annoying insufferable piece of crap of a brother got a boyfriend? its almost a laughable thought if only said boyfriend wasnt infront of them right now..

"no way you got a boyfriend.. only someone insane would want to date you.. are you insane??" kyuu asks the last part to fyodor who only gives kyuu a tired look and a kindof goofy smile

"hey! dont be like that and dont ask rude questions to our guest" dazai exclaims as he graciously gestured to fyodor, his tone lighthearted

"yeah...alright, did you already tell mori-san about this or what..?"

"oh dont worry he doesnt need to know!"

kyuu gives him a look then to fyodor who just stands there awkwardly, dazai senses the awkwardness his partner was feeling and so he decides to open his mouth again

"well now that introductions are done, were going up to my room for a project so if you need us, knock! ok bye now~!" dazai grabs fyodors arm and drags him up to his room and kyuu stands there for a minute to process the fact that dazai got a boyfriend and theyre probably doing either some weird gross stuff or as dazai said their project, but he recovers after a few more minutes then goes back to drawing.

fyodor was an awkward fellow on the first meeting but oh boy was he weird and kinda insane and also weirdly religous when he got more comfortable in the house with dazai..

so yeah thas how fyo met kyuu woo!!!

this was js kinda sitting in my drafts so i decided to finish it 💀

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