unfinished not fyozai but dead 🍎 trio

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dead apple trio getting isekaid into bnha

dazai was annoyed because he was suddenly teleported in another city with none other than fyodor and shibusawa, the most insufferable people he couldve been with

the white tacky suits shibusawa gave them itch like hell and he would rather go back to casual clothes right now

"this is so stupid, shibusawa, can we please get out of these goddamn suits" dazai said as he looked at shibusawa, his eye twitching in annoyance as he scratched his neck

"that would make me quiet sad, dazai-kun, i worked hard on these suits you know!" shibusawa retorted back

"shut up, both of you are annoying." fyodor said as he was focusing on their surroundings, uninterested in their argument. but he had to agree, these suits were itchy.

"fuck both of you im gonna find a bar or something and maybe a clothing store, i need a drink" dazai said as he turned around and walked away

ill come back to this aswell idk

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