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Dazai and Fyodor met when they were children and Fyodor was fond of Dazai

Dazai likes stealing Fyodor's hat :3

They both like baking and cooking and often have baking or cooking battles, both of them win

Both of them get a lil jealous when the other is talking with another that they dont know

Dazai likes poking Fyodor on the cheeks because he thinks Fyodor is cute

Fyodor sometimes plays with Dazai's hair

They both don't know shit about taking care of a kid, but Dazai kinda does a little because of Kyuu and Elise

When they were lil kids they used to hold hands

They both hold hands sometimes without them even noticing because they used to do it all the time when they were kids

Fyodor has an album of him n Dazai

lololol ran out of shit ideas sjajslalalndksd well actually i didnt i just didnt know how to write them 

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