kid!fyozai and guardian oda<3

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its like 11pm and im suppsoed to be sleeping bc i need a good sleepung schedule but who gives a shit about that have this

sometimes i think of oda being dazai's temporary guardian and he brings home a pale child with a white fluffy hat and then dazai introducing fyodor to odasaku and hes just listening attentively while fyodor just holds dazais hand looking at oda impassive as ever

"Odasaku Odasaku!" Dazai shouted as he ran in the living room where Oda was sitting watching TV

When Dazai was running in he seemed to be holding another's hand

"Yes, Dazai?" Oda answered as he turned down the TV

"Odasaku! I made a new friend!!" Dazai said enthusiastically, his eyes beaming with happiness as with his smile.

"Oh? Im guessing its the kid who you're holding hands with right now?" Oda said as he looked at Fyodor and the kid looked back expressionlessly.

"Yupyup!!! This is Fedya!!! We met at an abandoned warehouse!" Dazai said as he held his and Fyodor's hand a little so Oda could see

"Didn't i tell you to stop going there because its dangerous?" Oda said as he quirked a brow up

"Yeah but if i listened to you then i wouldnt have met Fedya" Dazai said as he looked at Fyodor, smiling at him.

"Guess so..well, atleast be careful when going alright?" Oda said, a little bit of worry in his voice, he said it to both of them, kids shouldnt really be going to abandoned places, yknow.

"yea yeaaaaaa, oh Fedya! Are you hungry?? Do you wanna eat something???" Dazai said, switching the subject, Fyodor looked at him and nodded.

ok i have nothing just imagine Odasaku preparing some sandwiches as Dazai tells Odasaku about Fyodor as Fyodor just sits there and waits, theyre still holding hands lol

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