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"He likes to cook?" Arin said when I called her as soon as I got home.

I shut my bedroom door to keep my little cousins out-not that a shut door would stop them-and filled her in on the interaction I'd had with Yeonjun.

"See, isn't he amazing?" she said. "And I can ignore that fishing thing. That's more a solo activity anyway, right? I knew we were meant to be."

"I haven't fished in forever," I said, flopping down onto my beanbag chair.

"Even you, lover-of-all-things-lake, know it's boring."

"I didn't say that."

"Now, we need to somehow use these tutoring sessions to my advantage. He and I have established we are good at flirting with each other, but flirting doesn't always lead to a relationship."

"Really?" I said. "He's passed the Arin test? He's ready to move past the crush phase?"

"Yes! And we need a plan before you go to Liz's next session."

"Okay. Let's work on that."

My door flew open and the handle banged into the wall, most likely adding to the dent that was already there.

"Gyu!" Cora cried, dashing inside.

Chaerin was my youngest cousin. She was four and a half and right now had chocolate all over her face.

"Did you eat pudding?" I asked.

"What?" Arin responded. "No, but that sounds delicious."

Chaerim was now circling my room, running her hand along the walls.

"Not if you saw it in its current state," I told Arin. "I have to go before this ends up all over my stuff."

"Okay, see you at school."

"Chaerin, come here." I scooped her up and took her to the bathroom across the hall. "Did Aunt Minnie give you pudding or did you get this yourself?" I held her up to the sink, turned on the faucet, and used my hand to scrub her face.

"No, I got it myself cuz I'm four."

"That's what I thought. You need to stay at the table when you're eating, Chaeri."

"I did! But then I finished."

She had me there. I dried her face with a towel. "Well, good thing you're so sweet." I plopped her back on her feet and she took off like a windup toy.

I sighed and went back to my room. I really wanted to take a WaveRunner out. But I knew there was something I'd been putting off for too long. I needed to listen to more past episodes of the school podcast. Wednesday was coming faster than I wanted it to, and I didn't feel ready.

Listening to old podcasts only served to let me know how horrible I was going to be at hosting. The past hosts were so outgoing and clever and quick on their feet. I was not any of those things.

On Wednesday, Ms. Lee stood in front of the production crew in our school's recording studio. She was giving us a summary of how the day would go. I kept eyeing the big glass window to my right. Soon, I would be sitting behind it.

"This is the school's podcast," Ms. Lee was saying. "So even though we encourage callers and listeners from the whole community, we are expected to promote school activities. Sequoia High's big fall fund-raiser is coming up in about a month. The Fall Festival. After your opening, talk that up a bit. Okay?" She looked at me and Sieun.

"Sounds good!" Sieun said, hopping to her feet. "Can we start now?"

I had hoped Ms. Lee would want to prep us some more. Unfortunately, she nodded and gestured toward the door to the sound booth. Sieun bounced through the door and took her place on one of the stools waiting for us.

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